Actors Who Passed  On Hit Movies For Surprising Reasons

Actors Who Passed  On Hit Movies For Surprising Reasons


Russell Crowe passed on X-Men

Reason - He did not want to be typecast as a wolf


Bruce Willis passed on  Ghost

Reason - He didn't understand the role & there was barely any romance


Eddie Murphy passed on Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Reason - He didn't understand the role


Jack Nicholson passed on The Godfather

Reason - He didn't understand the role, but he doesn't seem to regret his decision


Garth Brooks passed on Saving Private Ryan

Reason - He wanted to play the role of a bad guy


Steve McQueen passed on Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Reason - He couldn't cry on camera


Bette Midler passed on  Misery

Reason - She found it hard to perform the hobbling scene alone


Steve McQueen passed on Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Insomnia Cured Here / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

Reason - McQueen insisted on top billing over the blue-eyed matinee idol. He refused second billing and also demanded an equal number of speaking lines as Newman


Patti LaBelle passed on The Color Purple

Reason - She didn't want her character to involve in a same-sex kissing scene


Anne Hathaway passed on Knocked Up

Reason - She refused the role because of the birthing scene & not due to film's nudity