The NBA Forced The Grizzlies Out Of Vancouver
Delonte West's Unspeakable Action. LeBron James's performance at the 2010 Eastern Conference semifinals nosedived because he found out just before the game about Delonte West and Gloria James's (LeBron's mom) dating
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Almost every NBA player uses steroids literally. NBA don't test their players for steroids. But, if it does on a large scale, they will find lots of positives even the league might have to temporarily shutdown
Paul Pierce pooped his pants and faked an injury during the 2008 finals to deal with it
Blind Rudy Gay Was A Borderline All Star. Gay, who refused to wear the contact lenses he so sorely required, underwent Lasik eye surgery in the off-season to help correct his eyesight.
David Stern Rigged The Ewing Lottery For The Knicks. He once froze the envelope with the New York logo so that he could recognize it easily
The Morris Brothers Switched Places "Parent Trap" Style For A Playoff Series during the 2017 Eastern Conference semis between the Wizards and Celtics
NBA Refs Constantly Bet On The Game And Manipulate Outcomes even Tim Donaghy admitted this
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The Legend Of Arsen Ilyasov who is assumed to be born in 1984 and his listed DOB May 15th, 1987, is reportedly fake. Moreover, he was born in Uzbekistan and crossed border and entered Turkey at 18 years of age
Milwaukee Bucks
In response to Michael Jordan's gambling addiction, David Stern suspended him from the NBA
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Ryan Anderson Is Colorblind
The San Antonio Spurs Purposefully Broke Their A/C During The 2014 Finals To Accelerate LeBron James' Cramping