Usually, people with bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyle manage to pile on pounds, before they are given a jolt about the miserable condition their body is in. This jolt or shall we say realization is usually heralded by taking a look at someone who has great body, and the yawning gulf between your and their physical condition is the source of inspiration which can turn out to be fleeting or a life term objective.
Once, it is decided that something drastic has to be done to shed the hugging waist fat belt, people start their own planned workout and diet regimes. In fact, it is reported that around 70 percent of people looking to shed weight and become fit are doing it all on their own. They try to sieve through the jumble of information given in diet books, websites and forums. And, to be honest, it is difficult to find credible weight loss way from the mountain of information available out there.
In this article, we will list science backed tips to help you lose weight instantly. All the points listed in this article are backed by years of research and credible information.
No Magic Formula
The amount of reliable information available out there about weight loss is easily trumped by number of fad or magic diets recommended to lose weight instantly. These magic diets recommend refraining from particular protein, fat or carbs group that will allow you to hit that magical spot in your metabolism and will allow you to lose weight magically in space of few months. However, the researchers have found that there is no scientific proof that backs the fact that avoiding a certain food group will help you lose weight. In fact, even completely avoiding fats can have negative long term effect on your body. Fats provide your body with energy and spots to store that energy. The absence of fats in diet will make you lethargic, tired and could lead to disruption in important body functions. To get essential nutrients and to maintain optimal health, you should eat all food types.
The USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 states that to provide your body with ideal diet, your daily diet should have the following proportion of nutrients – 45 to 65 percent of total calories from carbohydrates, 10 to 35 percent from protein, and 20 to 35 percent from fat.
Balance Calories In vs. Calories Out
The body has natural mechanism that does the balancing act daily by balancing out the number of calories (or energy) you give your body against how much calories (or energy) you will burn in order to sustain normal functions and activities. If you consume more calories than your body burns, then, body starts storing the excess calories as fat. However, if you burn more calories than you consume, then you start losing weight as your body turns to existing stores of fat to generate needed energy. However, often people fail to understand this simple energy balance, and get the very basics of weight loss wrong.
In order to lose weight, you will have to consume around 500 calories less than the estimated calories your body will burn. However, never allow your daily calorie intake to drop lower than 1,200 calories a day. If you need to know how many calories you should consume, you can use calorie meters such as Freedieting.
Spread Your Calories
After you have realized what your daily calorie intake should be, the next step is to spread those calories. Traditionally, the daily calorie intake was spread across three meals- breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, the increasing number of research and studies have found that if you take five meals after a span of two to three hours, then you will be able to lose weight more effectively and quickly. The five meal plan has usual breakfast, lunch and dinner with two snacks squeezed in between. However, by snacks I didn’t mean fries, chips or packaged food. The snack should be rich in nutrients, but low on calories. It can be a fruit, greek yogurt or handful of nuts that fit in your daily calorie limit.
Remember, skipping any meal isn’t the right way to lose weight. Not only due to hunger pangs, it would lead to consuming more calories, but can also lead to other health problems. Least of all, it could lead to fall and fluctuation in blood sugar level, which could lead to drastic drop in energy levels among other things.
High Volume, Low Energy Foods
The research conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has revealed that the high volume and low energy food can be used as effective components in a weight loss strategy. The high volume, low energy foods are those which have very low energy density, i.e., the amount of calories per gram are low. These foods promote weight loss by keeping the calorie count particularly low. The high volume means that they satisfy your hunger and will keep you full for a larger period of time.
Kale is a perfect example of high volume and low energy food. A single cup of raw kale (about 67 grams or 2.4 ounces) has a total of 33 calories, 6 grams of carbs (2 of which are fiber) and 3 grams of protein. Eating kale will add volume in your stomach, which in turn will make you feel full and satisfied for longer duration. Always try to eat fruits and vegetables for snacks instead of high calorie foods such as cakes and cookies.
Eat Nutrient Rich Foods
Another great strategy that can help you shed pounds is to go for nutrient rich foods. The high density of nutrients in such foods means that your body gets all the necessary nutrients without worrying about the calorie intake. And, it is obvious that the low calorie intake can do wonders to your weight loss program. The nutrient rich foods have greater concentration of nutrients per gram. The great examples of the nutrient rich foods are beans, greek yogurt, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, lean meats, and fruits and vegetables. If you eat a combination of these foods, then you can cut back on the calorie count and achieve a healthy weight loss.
More Physical Activity
There is no dieting technique that can help you achieve a good weight loss without doing regular exercise. No amount of fasting and cutting back on calorie will have major effect on your fat stores unless you get your butt off the couch. Starving will only make your body weaker and will make your metabolism sluggish. The regular exercise helps in creating a calorie deficit that will force your body to consume fat stores and lose weight. Also, it will enhance your metabolism rate and will improve other body functions. You should aim to do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily and aim to do weight training twice a week.
In case you aren’t able to find adequate time for a single workout, then break it into smaller and manageable sessions. For example, instead of doing one 30 minute session, you can go for two 15 minute sessions, one done in the morning and another in the evening. And, even you don’t have to go to a gym. Drop on the ground, do some pushups, then some squats and couple of core exercises on the mat and you are done.
Better Fiber Intake
I think the dietary fiber is one of the best foods that can help you control the hunger. Incorporating soluble fiber in your diet has several other benefits other than keeping you full for longer durations. The fiber is known to activate and nurture good bacteria in our gut. Good bacteria? Yes, my good friend, good bacteria. These friendly bacteria produce nutrients for the body and hampers storage of fat in the cells. And, how does fiber activate them? The thing is that these bacteria feed on some types of fiber. So, it is more of a give and take mechanism.
Also, high fiber foods take longer to chew, which leads to an increase in secretion of saliva and gastric juices, which in turn enhance breakdown and digestion of food. It also aids in hunger control and improves blood glucose level. The best way to incorporate fiber in your diet is to have oatmeal breakfast.
Less Solid Fats and Sugar
Till now, we have only talked about what you should eat more to aid your weight loss program. Now, it is time to talk about what you should eat less to prevent further accumulation of fat. You should decrease daily intake of solid fats including saturated fats found in meat and full-fat dairy products, trans fats present in processed foods and sugar present in desserts and sweets. These fats and sugar only enhance fat accumulation and probability of certain diseases. They contain a lot of calories and are notoriously low on nutrients and other essential minerals and vitamins. Instead of satisfying your hunger with cakes and cookies, go for a whole fruit or nuts snack. And, if you still want to indulge in your sweet tooth, then peanut butter can be a better option.
Portion Control
Many people spread their daily diet intake across five meals, but end up piling on fats. The reason? They don’t pay enough attention to the portion, they are consuming. People usually pile on food in their plates without any thought about the number of calories present in the specific meal, which means more than often they end up consuming more than their requirements. The solution for this problem is to measure it. And, you don’t need an elaborate process to do so. Just use the standard kitchen scale, measuring cup and spoons. You can access the serving information of any particular food on the packaged label or browse internet for it. Then, you can easily compare how many calories are present for the particular quantity of the given food.
However, portion control isn’t viable, when you are eating at the restaurants. This is another reason, why you should avoid eating out too often. If you have a busy day schedule, then it would be wise to pack ahead and carry your food around.
Drink Water
This is one of the most important tips for the weight loss. In fact, it is also one of the easiest as all you have to do is keep a bottle around and drink it up regularly. Drinking water increases satiety, the feeling of being full and your metabolism rate. The study published by The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism revealed that drinking half a liter of water can increase the metabolism rate by 24-30% for up to 1.5 hours. Also, water is a main component in the process of breaking down food for the energy. Drinking water 30 minutes before the meal is an effective strategy as it leaves you feeling full, which means you will be consuming fewer calories.
Also, you can prepare a highly beneficial spa water to further enhance your weight loss program. The spa water such as cucumber water will not only improve your metabolism rate, but will also support your skin and regulate blood pressure. To prepare a cucumber spa water, just slice a whole cucumber and leave it overnight in water.
And, Sound Sleep
A less than adequate sleep can start a domino type chain of sort that can make your body gain weight. For example, when you are short on sleep, you have the tendency to lean on latte to fuel your mornings instead of having a proper breakfast. Also, being too tired could lead to skipping exercise and takeout dinner. And, then turning in again late because the takeout dinner didn’t have perfect effect on digestion. And, then the process repeats itself again.
Also, lack of sleep can slow your metabolism rate and can mess up the flow and balance of hunger hormones. So, make sure you turn in early every night.