Who would not envy the most famous, sizzling, 6 ft 2 in Maria Sharapova, Russian tennis player. Ranked at World No. 3 by the Women’s Tennis Association as of Aug 2013, Maria made her entry into the world of tennis in 2004. She indeed is one of the most talented top tennis players of the world.
Credited with amazing talent, Maria is goddess of beautiful and sculpted body. Name, fame, glamour being the hallmarks of the tennis star, keeps her on the pinnacle of inspiring celebs. That being said, she is not a supernatural being, who is being mystically gifted by God in all aspects.
She inevitably works hard to maintain her charismatic body and look. Though her grandeur and career are skyrocketing, but she also suffers from anxiety and ennui at times. However, she has dexterously figured out ways to overcome those opposing states of mind.
Maria Sharapova Workout Regime
Being in the game of tennis, the celeb already does plenty of physical activities while practicing the game. But that alone doesn’t mollify her, apart from tennis practice; she also does bountiful exercises to maintain her curvy shape.
Her personal trainer Javier Capitaine is always there to guide and aid the stunning celeb. He devises workouts for her in such a way that she doesn’t feel the weariness of stagnancy. He has Maria practice circuit training involving high intensity cardio exercises and strength training twice in a week.
In addition to typically working out in gym, she also does myriad other outdoor exercises. Core strengthening, yoga, salsa classes, biking etc. are some of the exercises which she does in alternations. Recovery through rest is as important as exercises are. Maria practices workouts six days in a week and relaxes her body through body message and spa at least once in a month. She also meditates for five minutes in a day to purge stress.
Maria Sharapova Diet Plan
You cannot attain benefits of workouts unless your diet is in sync with your workouts. Iconic athletic beauty is sentient about the impact diet has on body and thus prefers consuming healthy and wholesome foods.
Her diet consists of high protein, low carb, and low fat food items. Numerous antioxidant food items too are part of her diet regime. Not only do antioxidant foods assist in enhancing the youthful age of Maria, they also bump up her metabolism and don’t let flab overpower her body parts. Instead of counting on several small meals in a day, she takes three full meals with afternoon snacks. Let’s have a look at one of the typical diets of Maria Sharapova.
Breakfast – Maria prefers having vegetable smoothie, berries dipped in yogurt, oatmeal, quinoa etc. in her breakfast.
Snacks – Her snacks are generally fresh fruits such as pear, apple, peaches, walnuts, guacamole, hummus etc.
Lunch – She likes having halloumi sandwich with whole-wheat grain, fish tacos, sushi etc. in her lunch.
Dinner – Her dinner mostly consists of beet soup, lean meat, sautéed chicken breast etc.
The divine body has sweet tooth and placates her craving for sweet with small portion size of cakes and other sweet food items. She splurges foods at times, for example, while socializing with friends. It keeps her in high spirit and doesn’t let her feel deprived.
In addition to that, being typical Russian in her eating habits, Maria loves having tea in afternoon. Being part of tennis, the game of sweating, Maria makes sure she keeps her body completely hydrated.
Recommendation For Maria Sharapova Fans
Maria recommends her fans to make a goal in life to stay agile and full of vitality. While sharing her personal experience, Maria admits, there are times when she feels tempted to get worried, and doesn’t feel like hitting tennis ground. But then she reminds her about her goal in life, which resumes all her lost zeal. Being an avid runner, Maria does a lot of running. Long running is the best means to render exercise to your muscles and burn calories from your body. However, change is paramount; else, you are vulnerable to suffer from painful legs.
For maintaining variety, you can introduce stretching exercises in your workouts. Apart from that, you can also pick yoga. Diverse postures of yoga are effective in building up the flexibility of your body. Lither your body is, lesser are its chances of being injured.