Have you ever wondered, why certain powerlifters and cross fitters manage looking like massive gorillas? Do you want to find out what are their secrets and what exactly are they doing to look like that? Read on as we reveal the top 5 exercises which you can implement in your training programs, so as to achieve tremendous results.
These exercises will move each and every muscle of your body. To be specific, the core will get the most from these exercises, as every time you work out, there will be high-level of core engagement. The secrets of a massive body development do not lie in the basic weight lifting training alone, but it depends on implementing various training approaches and trying different exercises.
We will start with the basic squat, deadlift, pull-ups, military press and will finish with the lost art of the handstand push-ups.
Be it any vertical jump, any speed program, any powerlifting or any CrossFit program, everything starts with the well-known squat exercise. This is because by simply doing squats on a regular basis, one can get massive legs and also strengthen the core to a great extent. The squat will drive the strength levels of a person to a whole new level, as with the help of these one will be able to jump higher and run faster. Also, with this exercise one will have an injury-free career, be it a professional bodybuilder, basketball player or a football player.
Our topic today is how to become one of those big guys, who are getting all the attention with their massive body. Well if you want to be like them, then you better start doing squats. It is suggested that you should go in for lower reps on a higher weight because that will bring massiveness.This is based on one simple formula that will be your guide on your journey of getting that big body i.e. Strength = Massiveness. This means that the more weight you lift, the stronger you are.
The king of all exercises and the reason for many massive muscular bodies developed so far, the deadlift is an all time favorite exercise. This exercise targets the whole body and provides great results, some of which you can come across in every professional bodybuilding, fitness and sports performance program. Instead of doing just the regular deadlifts, there are a lot of variations that one can do. There is the sumo deadlift that is great for hamstring activation, the Romanian deadlift used as a number one hamstring exercise in bodybuilding and the deficit deadlift that also targets the hamstring and improves the range of motion.
The deadlift exercise will strengthen your back, especially the lower back, as it will challenge your grip and increase your testosterone level, which is very important for muscle building. It is said that by doing deadlift and squats on a regular basis, you will have faster muscle progression in the upper body, as compared to those who aren’t doing this kind of exercises.
Please beware of adding too much weight to the bar if you are a beginner. Also, keep in mind that if you are adding too much weight, then even the belt that is used when you are lifting weights, can’t help you much from getting lower back muscle pulls. This can hurt real bad and you won’t be able to train for a week or more, depending on your injury level.
It is suggested that you do regular and sumo deadlifts because these two are the best among all the other variations.
Pull ups
The Pull up is one of the greatest exercises that has been categorized as a body weight exercise. The pull-up can provide magnificent results on your back, arms and core, while strengthening the tendons, ligaments and bones at the same time. Simply by doing pull-ups you will strengthen and stabilize your core and work all back muscles as well as your arms, especially the biceps.
If you find doing too many repetitions in one series easy, then you will be able to add additional weight to the belt or between your legs.This will eventually happen as you advance. This added weight will act as a resistance that will provide a killer workout for your back.
The regular pull-up is so effective that unlike any other exercise it works on the back in a huge manner. This is the reason why it is referred to as the king of all bodyweight exercises. There are many pull-up variations that you can work on, all these will help you build a great sculpted back and will drive your strength levels up. The all-time favorites are the:
- Chin-ups
- Muscle-ups
- 1 arms pull-ups (these are hard)
Military Press
The weighted variation of the handstand pushup is the well known Military Press. What is loved about this exercise is the fact that it provides significant results in a very short span. Stop doing Viking Press and working your shoulder on the gym machines, as this free weight exercise will challenge you to the maximum limit and help keep your tendon ligaments maintain their natural range of motion. Although it is used as a shoulder exercise, the Military Press engages the triceps and core too. A variation of this is the push press, where you help yourself by slightly bending your knees and then push the weight up explosively.
The shoulder is actually the hardest muscle to build as it takes time and dedication. By doing this exercise, you will be able to improve this aspect as compared to any other exercise you do at the gym. It is also great for improving your handstand push-up power.
The last exercise is the forgotten handstand pushup. It is forgotten because every bodybuilding professional competitor and all the classic bodybuilders are just using weights as part of their training and not this exercise. This is actually a mistake, considering the fact that this exercise can be a great way to change the training and challenges that one offers to their body. The handstand pushup and its variations target the shoulders in different ways and by engaging the core, especially lower back and abdominal, one can get a full upper body workout.
By adding these 5 exercises to your training program, amazing results are guaranteed.
We didn’t mention any chest exercise (bench press) here because of the fact that those exercises will target only the chest and arms. Don’t get it wrong, the bench press is not bad, but these above mentioned 5 exercises are even better. So, if you want to work your chest, you can implement the bench press too, but please don’t forget those regular pushups you can do instead, that will target your chest too.
Implement these exercises in your training program and work your way to the massive and great sculpted body!