Created by Anne Collins, registered nutritionist, Anne Collin diet is an eminent weight loss program. Online diet program has assisted millions of people in dropping extra pounds from their bodies.
What Anne Collins Diet is?
Anne Collins is low carb, low calorie, high protein diet program having total duration of twenty eight days. Most laudable feature of diet program is, you have nine kinds of plans available in the diet solution. All these plans will cater to your particular needs and requirements.
In addition to that, there are 24*7 support services provided by diet program. You can either have telephone conversation, or can communicate through online chat with nutrition experts.
Who Can Follow Anne Collins Diet?
Anne Collins diet program has proficiently been created to get fit into requirements of all kinds of dieters. Dieters suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, digestion related issues and others can abide by the diet program without any skepticism.
Nine totally outstanding and unique plans offered by diet solution have actually increased the sphere of diet program. You don’t have to bother about calorie consumption because you will be allotted the diet plan which goes hand in hand with your health condition and weight.
Nine Plans of Anne Collins Diet
Anne Collins diet program is amalgamation of nine diet programs; let’s find out what they are.
Low Glycemic Index Diet
Low Glycemic index diet is perfect fit for dieters having high sugar level and inflammatory problems such as bloating, acidity, flatulence etc. You will eat protein rich foods, and foods having low glycemic index while going along with the diet program.
There are sixty delicious recipes which will enthrall you and will keep you motivated while going along with the diet program. Diabetic patients tend to experience hunger very often, efficient protein rich snacks will keep check on their hunger and cravings.
14-Day Low Calorie Booster Diet
Dieters seeking rapid weight loss can opt to abide by 14 day low calorie booster diet. You will have six meals in a day while abiding by this diet plan. Calories have judiciously been allocated by Anne in six small meals. Despite being low in calorie, the diet program will not let you feel hungry
Low Carb Diet
Low carb diet will work on principle of creating calorie deficit in your body. There are forty yummy recipes for dieters. Low carb diet has been divided into two phases; both the phases have duration of fourteen days.
Whereas first phase permits you to consume 30 g carb, second phase has increased carb consumption from 30 g to 55 g. Low intensity exercises have been recommended to dieters abiding by low carb diet. You are likely to melt 10-20 pounds in twenty eight days.
Vegetarian Quick Start Diet
Vegan dieters seeking to shed weight in entirely vegan way can go for vegetarian quick start diet. Rainbow vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, eggs and dairy products are some of the food items suggested by diet plan. Vegetarian quick start diet is based on holistic approach and it will revitalize your body, mind and soul.
Vegetarian Diet for Life
Vegetarian diet for life is meant for all those vegan dieters who wish to stick to particular healthy diet program for lifetime. Vegetarian diet for life diet program is full of healthy swaps through which you can inculcate nutrient dense foods in your diet without compromising with your taste. Dieters looking forward to maintain them in fit and slender body shape forever can go for this diet solution.
10 Minute Meals Diet
In today’s materialistic life, time constraint cannot be undermined. And therefore,10 minute meal diet has been reserved for dieters having very hectic and tight schedule.
You will find numerous easy and quick to prepare recipes in this diet plan. Mostly unhealthy food items fall under category of easy and rapid to prepare foods, but exclusive diet program will teach you delicious and nutritious recipes which will provide you optimum health and lean body in mere ten minutes.
Diet for Life
Diet for life has been made for both vegan and non-vegan dieters. As diet plan has been created assuming lifestyle lingering choice of dieters, there are not many banished foods in the diet program . Though fast foods and processed foods have been dissuaded but you occasionally can relish them in moderation.
Incredible tips of diet program will assist you in abiding by healthy lifestyle forever. The diet program is based on simple logic and that is, once you will get addicted to healthy foods and will experience their wonderful impacts on your body, your temptation for unhealthy foods will automatically disappear.
Cholesterol Lowering Diet
Dieters having increased cholesterol level can purge their body from bad cholesterol by adhering to cholesterol lowering diet. Increased cholesterol level enhances your chances of heart stroke and heart attack.
There are forty recipes in the diet program. Elevated use of omega 6 fatty acids in foods promote formation of bad cholesterol in your body. Omega 3 fatty acids which comes under healthy fat is major component of diet program which will provide good cholesterol to your body. Good cholesterol will strengthen walls of your arteries and will deter storage of bad cholesterol.
Balanced Diet
Balanced diet as the name depicts is comprised of healthy fats, proteins and carbs. All three macronutrients are essential for your body. The diet program has allocated carbs, proteins and fats in ratio of 60:25:15. Carbs included in diet program indeed is good carb. You will torch several pounds and will get adequate nourishment by following balanced diet plan.
Workouts in Anne Collins Diet Plan
There is nothing wrong if instead of calling it a diet plan, we call it healthy lifestyle plan. Workouts are essential to ensure optimum health. All the nine diet plans prescribe different levels of physical activities for dieters.
Sample Meal Plan
Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of Anne Collins diet.
You can have shredded wheat cereal with soy milk, quinoa, pancakes etc. in your breakfast.
Morning Snack
You can have chopped cantaloupe, non-fat fruit yogurt, wheat pretzels etc. in your morning snacks.
You can have canned black beans, roasted beef with feta salad etc. in your lunch.
Afternoon Snack
You can have low fat cottage cheese, blueberries etc. in your afternoon snack.
You can have grilled turkey, wild cod, chick peas etc. in your dinner.