Winters are just around the corner and people have already begun excuses for not working out and not eating the right food. They want to sleep in during the mornings rather than hitting the gym because it’s too cold outside. They also wish to indulge in foods like hot chocolates to prevent themselves from the cold. If you are among such people, then you really need to read on. Here you can have a look at some simple winter fitness tips shared by fitspo blogger Clean Eating Alice. They are easy to follow and quite useful.
Fitspo Blogger Clean Eating Alice on How to Stay Fit This Winter [2016]
Winter and Fitness
The fitness expert recently shared that there is a correlation between the weather and people’s moods. She said that research shows that there is a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It compels people to have low energy and a bad mood during the dark winter months. She has also shared some tips that will help you out if you try them.
Get Fresh Air
The first thing you must do is to get outside in the winters too. People spend a lot of time in outdoor activities during summers, but they often remain closed during winters. You should not make the same mistake. Getting outside during lunch time even for 10 minutes will refresh your mood. It will also let you enjoy some fresh air and light. After a brisk afternoon walk, you will feel more motivated to exercise regularly and stay active.
Don’t Skip Workouts
Skipping the workouts is the worst thing you can do during the winter months. It will make you an inactive person and you will not have the strength to do basic chores. The social media sensation wants you to sign up for any workout you love, be it a gym class or cycling to work or even yoga and stick to it. If you tend to forget the workouts due to your busy schedule, you must include it in your diary as an appointment so that you don’t skip it accidentally.
Set High Goals
When you are working out, you often need to feel motivated to hit the gym regularly because sleeping in for a few extra hours seems so tempting. If you are dealing with the same problem, then the personal trainer advises you to set high goals for the winter months. The goals can be anything from learning a new exercise like pull-ups, push-ups or enhancing the way you do squats.
If you are not into hardcore exercises, you can set goals in your preferred exercise method too. If you are a runner, you can slowly increase the distance you cover and if you are a swimmer, you must increase the number of laps you need to do in an hour. With a goal in mind, you will be less inclined to skip a workout.
Talk a Lot
The skilled trainer also advises people who remain in a low mood during winters to interact with people. Talking to a counselor, a family member or a friend can help you shake off the bad mood. It will also help you to have more energy for the day to day chores. It will assist in alleviating the symptoms of SAD and make your days happier. (We are definitely going to try this one, won’t you?)
Don’t Push Too Hard
Though the winter workout tips shared by the diva are useful, she also insists that one should never push himself or herself beyond specified limits. She has stated that you should not beat yourself too hard if you can’t stay on the fitness path. If you have had a bad breakup or a serious family problem that prevented you from exercising or you indulged in too much of comfort foods, you should not take it too hard or try to punish yourself. Your focus should be on making exercise and nutritional foods so common in your life that they become a habit that you can’t ignore even when the life gets complicated.
How to begin Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier You
Many people wish to make some lifestyle changes to get healthier but they often have no idea on where to begin. If you can relate, then you must know the 3 simple tips shared by the author of Clean Eating Alice Body Bible. Here they are:
- Start by making small changes in your life rather than opting for going overboard and making drastic changes. For example, you can become fitter by dedicating half an hour towards fitness for three times a week. You can gradually increase the period rather than setting a goal of 1 hour in the gym daily for seven days a week, which you probably cannot meet.
- Do not fear any food or cut out a food group from your diet. Every food has its own importance. You just focus on opting for healthier foods. You should also remember to include something you really like to eat in your breakfast. It will ensure that you look forward to it when you kick off your day.
- The foodie also wants you not to ignore your body’s needs. If it asks you for food, then it really needs nutrition. Likewise, if it’s sore, you must take a break and rest. If you constantly feel tired, find out why. Do not miss the signs your body is telling you as it may point to a bigger problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. (And we agree here!!)
Did you like the fitness ideas shared by the stunner? If so, you can get some more by following her on Twitter and Instagram.
Alice Liveing 2018 Workout and Diet Secrets
It’s the second half of 2018 (August 2018 to be precise), and Alice is as fit as ever. Here you can know what workout and diet secrets are helping her to stay on the path of fitness.
Workout Secrets
The beauty prefers weight training and resistance training exercises. The equipment she prefers the most is kettlebell as it’s very versatile and can be used for a bunch of exercises like swings, squats, legwork, overhead work, etc. She also prefers resistance bands to do activation exercises. They help in firing up the muscles and ensuring that the muscles work to the best of their ability. Resistance bands can also be used in an exercise like barbell back squat to ensure a person drives the knees out and attains a deeper squat.
She splits her workouts into two upper body and two lower body sessions in a week. Her exercise methods also include taking her dog for walks, doing yoga and some conditioning exercises.
Exercise Goals
The exercise goal of the stunner includes gaining strength and improving performance. She also wants to promote better movement and enhance the way she moves.
Importance of Recovery
Alice promotes active recovery by resting, sleeping well, eating well, stretching and maintaining a good life balance.
Post Workout Meal
After every workout, she has a smoothie that is created by mixing some almond milk, oats, vegan protein, ice and a banana.
Gym Bag Essentials
The Instagram star has the following gym bag essentials:
- Apple Watch
It is used for timing exercises and planning rest. It also acts as a motivation tool as it tracks the movements done in a day and reminds her to move.
- Trainers
She prefers Nike Metcon trainers as they are not bouncy and have a sturdy sole which is essential while doing weight training.
- Noise-Canceling Headphones
They help her to enjoy her choice of music, podcasts, and audiobooks even in a gym where the music is already blaring.
- The Essentials
She uses Clinisept Plus Aftercare Face Spray after an exercise session to get rid of bacteria that are crawling on the skin. She also carries a deodorant and a hand sanitizer for post-workout use.
- Alor Water Bottle
It helps her to stay hydrated after a workout session and be an eco-friendly person.
Diet Secrets
Liveing doesn’t restrict herself when it comes to diet, but she prefers to have loads of fruits, vegetables, and protein that fill her up and rarely let her be hungry. Her diet includes loads of leafy greens like broccoli, cabbage, spinach, etc. and protein sources like fish and chicken. She also likes Vitamin E, iron, and potassium-rich avocados. She has eliminated all trans fats from her diet and swapped vegetable and olive oil for coconut oil.
Diet Struggles
The fitness icon wasn’t always this smart when it comes to diet. A few years back, she was a yo-yo dieter who tried all fads but got bored of them easily and started binge eating. Things got so out of hand that she weighed 140 pounds at a time.
She decided to change her habits in 2013 when the end of year reports suggested that she lacked stamina and strength. Since then, she has improved her lifestyle habits, prefers healthy meals and exercises regularly.
The Result
The result of all her changes is that now, she weighs just 120 pounds, has rock hard abs, well-defined muscles, better complexion, fewer mood swings and an incredible fan following & support.