Kate Winslet, a stunning actress who is best known for playing the role of Rose in the classic film Titanic (1997), is a real beauty. When you look at her, you feel that she hasn’t changed much since playing Rose.
So, what are the secrets that help her look so beautiful? Well, it’s all about exercising regularly, eating according to the body needs, doing yoga and taking care of herself from inside out. Want more? Read on to know what other things she does to look so spectacular!
Preparing for an Event
When the diva has to prepare for an event, she modifies her diet a bit. She cuts down on alcohol and salt while boosting her intake of green smoothies. Apart from making these diet changes, she ensures that she gets regular sleep and drink loads of water. She says that when your skin is hydrated, you will look beautiful!
Beauty Secrets
If you want to take care of your skin as she does, then you should keep your skin clean, hydrated, use a toner if your skin is dry and go for occasional facials as she does. But before you invest in expensive skin care products, do remember that Kate believes beauty begins with health.
Beauty is Health
The English actress believes that real beauty is not about looking at the mirror and thinking how pretty you are. Now, beauty for her means her desire to feel healthy and happy. She feels beautiful when she is being a good mum, doing good work at her job and loving her family. She also thinks that when women care about themselves first, they are better able to take care of the others.
Workout Preferences
The winner of three British Academy Film awards says that she works out regularly but not frantically. Her workout sessions involve barre cardio and yoga as she loves both these exercises. Kate also walks a lot, especially with her dog who needs a lot of walking. Sometimes she does yoga 4 times a week and sometimes, the sessions last more than two hours.
No Weights Please
The Oscar winner has also recently admitted that she has no idea about her exact weight and she hasn’t weighed herself in 12 years.
Relaxation Technique
The Berkshire born likes to pamper herself by having a cup of tea and enjoying a crossword.
Being Fit for Titanic
There were a lot of rumors going around that the makers of Titanic were worried about Winslet’s weight while filming Titanic. Rubbishing the claims that she was ever pressurized to look good, the mother of three said that the filmmakers wanted everyone to be strong enough to get through the experience.
To ensure that all the actors remained strong, they were asked to swim three or four times a week. But as this technique wasn’t enough, a personal trainer was hired to ensure that they all looked great and remained fit for the tough filming conditions.
Fitness Tips for Kate Winslet Fans
If you think you ought to try yoga like the Hollywood star, then the following tips shared by her yoga trainer Niki Perry are surely worth your time!
Don’t Be Afraid of the Scary Poses
Many people think that they will need to twist their bodies in unimaginable ways and fear injury when they look at some of the advanced yoga pictures on social media. Niki says that you shouldn’t be intimidated as you will not be asked to do something, your body can’t handle when you are doing yoga, especially as a beginner.
Yoga is Great for Weight Loss
You should know that some yoga practices like vinyasa flow and ujjayi breath are helpful in burning excess fat and can lead to weight loss if you do them regularly. You can practice the latter anywhere (even your car) and it will need a lot of practice, but once you master this breathing technique, it will be with you for life and help you to stay fit.
Get Better Life with Yoga
Yoga is great for streamlining your digestive system, solving problems like irregular periods, getting rid of old aches & pains and even helps in eliminating back pain issues. You will even sleep better, and your sleep deprivation issues will be resolved if you practice it consistently.
Hot Yoga is Good
People have all kinds of misconceptions regarding hot yoga such as they will injure themselves, they will be dehydrated or get dizzy. Niki says you should take it slow and know your limits while doing hot yoga.
You also need to be aware of your body and be very result oriented if you want it to work for you. Hot yoga is a wonderful option for people who want quick results, and it’s very safe as you generate your own heat!
Diet Advice
When you do yoga like the wife of Ned Rocknroll, you are free to indulge in an occasional treat to pamper yourself or reward yourself for the hard work you have put in. If you prefer eating well, you should try to eat a variety of healthy foods as it will ensure that you don’t get bored by eating the same foods again and again.
Move Every Day
Be active on a daily basis and just move, any way you like. It can be walking for 20 minutes or doing hot yoga for an hour. Just get off that couch and take care of your body as it’s your responsibility!
Featured Image by GabboT / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0