Crafted by Jessica Porter, cooking and macrobiotic chef, MILF Diet is an exclusive weight loss program designed specifically for women falling in the age group of thirty to fifty. Jessica believes, mostly women lose their charm after becoming mother and grow physically and sexually unattractive.
Through MILF diet, Jessica has made an effort to instigate lost fire in these women. MILF diet program can aptly be called complete transformation plan which will bring radical changes in body, mind, and soul of these women.
What is MILF Diet?
MILF diet solution is comprised of whole and fresh foods such as fruits, seasonal, and sea vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds etc. Since Jessica herself is macrobiotic chef, she has pointed up the importance of macrobiotic foods in the program. For providing proteins to your body, Jessica insists the consumption of animal proteins rather than animal foods.
Her dexterously chosen food items will rejuvenate both your body and mind, and will fill you up again with that youthful charm which you had in your younger days, or before becoming a mother. MILF diet program made a test on a couple of women and its results really dazzled everyone. Women using MILF diet program were seen to possess sexier body, healthier skin, and amazing confidence.
Food Items in MILF Diet
Let’s have a look at the recommended and forbidden food items of diet solution.
Recommended Foods – Tahini, brown rice, maple syrup, tofu, oats, amazake, polenta, seitan, quinoa, adzuki beans, tempeh, olive oil, black-eyed peas, almonds, garbanzo beans, peanut butter, coconut milk, dark chocolate, sea vegetables, miso, sesame oil, brown rice syrup are some of the recommended foods of diet program.
Forbidden Foods – Dairy products, processed foods, refined sugar, meat etc. are some of the forbidden foods of diet program.
Three Phases of MILF Diet
MILF diet program has been divided into three phases; let’s find out what these three phases are.
Phase One
Phase one which is the beginning phase of the program puts great emphasis on the consumption of high fiber foods such as whole grains, brown rice etc. These high fiber foods boost up your metabolism and act as catalyst to parasympathetic nervous system, which further brings your body and mind in relaxation mode.
In addition to that, the program points up the consumption of foods in proper way. For example, you need to chew foods myriad times before finally swallowing them. Doing so takes off burden from your digestive tract and makes it function in better way.
Besides that, foods recommended by Jessica possess both yin and yan qualities in proportionate amount. Foods having equal amount of yin and yan indeed are the natural requirement of your body, and when you feed your body the foods it requires, it naturally feels more energized and starts attaining its naturally slender shape.
Phase Two
In phase two, you will consume whole foods and green and leafy vegetables in enormous amount. Green and leafy vegetables contain vital nutrients in rich amount. You need to have minimum one or two servings of green and leafy vegetables in a day.
This phase is meant to develop right eating habits in you and divert your attention from unhealthy, processed, and junk foods to healthy foods. You naturally will start developing despise for foods having deteriorating impacts on your body. This phase will last until you attain your weight loss objective. Whatever foods you consume, it’s imperative for you to inculcate adequate servings of fruits and vegetables in your meals.
Phase Three
In this phase, more variety of foods will be introduced in your diet regime. You are supposed to consume more nutritious and healthier meals comprised of 20 percent of beans, 30 percent of whole grains, and 50 percent of vegetables in this phase. In addition to foods, you are also free to inculcate pickle in your meals and sweet fruits in your desserts.
Workouts in MILF Diet
The program has not accentuated the inclusion of intense workouts, it rather has suggested its users to practice light workouts. For example, you can practice yoga twice or thrice in a week and can practice cardio workouts such as walking, running, swimming etc. twenty to thirty minutes for three days in a week. Yoga will bring suppleness in your body and will cut your chances of being injured because a flexible body is less likely to get hurt.
Benefits of MILF Diet
MILF diet has astonishingly great impacts on women’s body; let’s have a look at some of them.
- Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables of the program will not only zap away calories from your body, but will also rid you from diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, breast cancer etc., which start approaching you as you get older.
- Impact of nutritious foods will also be apparent on your face and hair. Women abiding by the program will get beautiful, shinning, and dense hair with radiant and immaculate face.
- Food items of the diet solution will promote the functioning of your creative or right brain. Mostly when you are overpowered by right brain, you are more chaotic and pessimistic because this part of brain remains entangled in logic and principles. On the other hand, left part of your brain relies more on fantasies, intuitions, Godly powers, which further develop positive attitude in you.
- Your immune system will get strengthened and you will feel happier than ever.
- There are bountiful delicious and easy to cook recipes in the program. Women can learn these recipes and can ensure better health for themselves and their family.
Drawbacks of MILF Diet
MILF diet program indeed is capable to bring spectacular changes in the lives of mothers, but the plan has some drawbacks also, let’s find out what they are.
- First of all, recipes recommended in the diet solution are very time consuming, so it might consume a lot of time of mothers and they might end up spending their whole day in kitchen.
- Some of the ingredients of recipes suggested in the program are difficult to find, so dieters might face hard time in finding those ingredients.
- Weight loss process occurring in the program might take time in becoming apparent, so women need to show patience while moving along with the plan.