Devised by Keri Glassman, certified nutritionist, O2 Diet is a detoxifying plan relying heavily on the consumption of antioxidants. Instead of counting irritating calories, your focus in the program will be on elevating the number of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) in your body.
These oxygen radicals will strengthen your body to combat against free radicals present in environment, which besides making your skin look dull, insipid adversely affect the healthy functioning of your body. The program will introduce these oxygen radicals in your diet regime through healthy and nutritious foods. ORAC-laden diet will boost the immunity of your body and will make it resilient enough to fight against horrible diseases such as heart diseases and cancer, and throw them out from your body.
What is O2 Diet?
O2 diet is a very practical diet program which will revitalize your body, skin, and mind, and will bring radiant glow on your face. Under the diet schedule, you don’t have to eliminate several food items from your diet. You just have to consume foods having high content of ORAC. Your main concern in the program will be to keep watch on the number of ORAC foods you feed to your body on daily basis.
You might be thinking what antioxidants are. Well, they are nutritional foods which work as safeguard for your body and save it from the attack of disease causing harmful radicals present in environment.
How Easy O2 Diet Program is?
Since the plan doesn’t ask you to make several compromises, it’s quite easy to abide by it. Without making your body deprived of your beloved foods, you just have to include plenty of antioxidant foods in your diet and attain amazingly beautiful skin and slim body.
Stress, anxiety, anger, fear etc. are some of the negative emotions which deter your body from attaining health. So, vow to refrain from these negative emotions by practicing meditation and by sleeping for eight to nine hours at night. In addition to that, make exercises an inseparable part of your lives. Even if you are not overweight, do practice them on daily basis because they strengthen your body from inside.
Two Stages of O2 Diet
The program offers thirty-two days weight loss program. It will work on your body in two stages; let’s find out what they are.
Stage One
Having total duration of four days, this stage is also known as detoxification stage. In this stage, you need to feed 50,000 ORAC points to your body. Diverse foods have different ORAC points. For example, there are 9700 ORAC points in one small bowel of blueberries, and 5900 ORAC points in one ounce of dark chocolates.
By escalating antioxidant capacity of your blood, this stage will assist your body in melting away pounds and attaining freshness. You will shed two to five pounds of weight in this stage, and the major weight loss will be due to water loss.
Stage Two
Stage two is lengthier and has total duration of four weeks. In this stage, you need to consume 30,000 ORAC points in a day. Fruits and vegetables are opulent sources of ORAC points. You can consume green and leafy vegetables in large quantity to stimulate anti oxidation process in your body.
In addition to that, there are myriad guidelines given in the program which will educate you how you can recognize and select antioxidant foods on your own, and include them in the mainstream of your diet. You will shed one to two pounds of weight in a week in this stage.
Workouts in O2 Diet Program
The main objectives of the program are to give life to cells in your body, provide active shield to your body, and save it from becoming host of various diseases. And workouts will maintain good health of your heart, make your bones strong, and empower your body to combat against stress and depression. Exercises also pep up the formation of free radicals in your body and that’s the reason, it becomes even more imperative for you to swear by a physically active lifestyle.
Food Items in O2 Diet
You are allowed to consume as many fruits and vegetables in a day as you want. In addition to that, you can have lean proteins, fish, low fat dairy products, whole grains, herbs, spices, healthy fats, beans etc. in your diet.
You are also allowed to consume dark chocolates and wine also in moderation in second stage. Prefer refraining from starches, saturated fats, processed foods, fried, junk foods, sweets, soft drinks, trans fats, processes meats etc.
Benefits of O2 Diet Program
Due to being crafted by certified dietitian, O2 diet solution is reliable and can be followed without any doubt. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of O2 diet program.
- The diet solution being highly nutritious will provide various kinds of nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals etc. to your body.
- The program will strip off all kinds of blockages from your brain, and will sharpen your memory.
- Your confidence will boost while going along with the plan. Healthy and nutritious foods will shake off stress from your body and will make your temperament cheerful.
- Your youthful age will escalate and you will look ten years younger to your age.
Sample Diet Plan
Let’s have a look at one of the sample menu plans of O2 diet program.
You can have Pecan fresh toast, scrambled eggs, fat free yogurt, spoonful of dried basils, cinnamon, caramelized pear, peach etc. in your breakfast.
Morning Snacks
You can have celery, Granny smith apple with cinnamon, almond butter etc. in your snacks.
You can have Pecan spinach, plum, Cobb salad, fish such as mackerel, salmon, halibut, pomegranate dressing etc. in your lunch.
Afternoon Snacks
You can have steamed artichokes, pomegranate juice, blueberries, green tea etc. in your snacks.
You can have steamed asparagus, salmon with raspberry-balsamic glaze, one glass of sangria etc. in your dinner. In desserts, you can consume dark chocolates.