Devised by Novartis medical nutrition corporation, The Optifast Diet program is a rapid weight loss program which will completely transform your body. If you seek to shed several pounds from your body, you can rely on the plan.
Best part of the plan is that your progress will be monitored by medical experts and your emotional and physical well-being shall be given utmost importance. Obese people who wish to melt away massive weight of more than thirty pounds can attain their desired body with the help of the Optifast diet plan.
Having total duration of 26 weeks, the program will replace your meals with liquid meals and will bring radical changes in your body. There are millions of people all over the world who have used the program and have been able to bring themselves in amazing body shapes.
What is The Optifast Diet Plan?
The Optifast diet plan being very low calorie diet program restricts your calorie consumption to a very low level i.e. 800 calories in a day. It is believed that no other plan can be as effective as low calorie diet plans are. These programs create dearth of calories or energy in your body by feeding your body low carb foods.
In the shortage of calories, your body starts breaking piles of fats stored inside your body and you start losing weight. You can melt away minimum four to five pounds of weight in four weeks while moving along with the program.
Food items included in the program come from healthy carbs, healthy fats, proteins etc. These foods will not let your body gain weight and will keep you in slender shape. In addition to them, there are numerous other products of Optifast such as soups, bars, shakes, desserts etc. All of them come in varied flavors.
How The Optifast Diet Will Help You?
The Optifast diet plan will narrow your choice of food items. When you have limited options of foods available with you, it becomes easy for you to adhere to them which further help you in maintaining weight. The plan might ask you to weed out loads of your favorite foods from your diet regime and follow a very strict diet regime.
In addition to that, you will get proper guidelines, counseling etc. while moving along with the program which will stop you from going astray. Supervision of physicians will keep you aware of your flaws and will help you in correcting them, so you can attain maximum benefits from the program.
Four Phases of Optifast Diet
Optifast diet plan has four phases. The program has left choice regarding selection of phase on dieters. You as a dieter can begin from any of these phases. Let’s find out what these four phases will do.
Intensive Phase
This phase is meant for dieters who wish to lose massive weight through the program. In this phase, you will not consume more than 800 calories in a day. Your diet will include very low calorie products and spoonful of oil in a day. You are recommended to drink minimum two liters of water in a day.
Transition Phase
Transition phase allows you to consume 800-1000 calories in a day. You don’t have to replace all your meals in this phase. You rather have to inculcate one low calorie meal, two Optifast bars, two cups full of low carb veggies, one fruit, any dairy product like yogurt etc. in this phase.
Maintenance Phase
Maintenance phase is meant for dieters who already have lost weight but don’t how to maintain their lost weight. In this phase, dieters are allowed to consume 1000-1200 calories in a day. You need to have one optifast product, two low calorie meals, two fruits, two cups of low carb veggies, one dairy product etc. in a day in this phase.
Stabilization Phase
Stabilization phase is the phase which you stick to for your lifetime. In this phase, dieters are allowed to consume 1200-1500 calories in a day. You can consume three low calorie meals, two fruits, two cups of low carb vegetables, one dairy product etc. in a day in this phase.
Recommended Food Items of The Optifast Diet
Let’s have a look at the list of foods recommended by the Optifast diet program.
Green Vegetables – Green and leafy vegetables having low glycemic index are recommended in the program. There are several vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, broccoli etc. which are nutrient dense and have amazing impacts on your body. You can include these vegetables in your meals and can make the weight loss process work faster.
Soups – Soups are low in glycemic index and thus offer best option in front of dieters, seeking to consume low calorie foods. You can enhance flavor of soups by adding various herbs and spices in them. You can also use sauces and condiments in them to please your taste buds.
Fruits – Some fruits such as mandarins, prunes etc. are allowed in the program. Though the program has permitted its dieters to consume one fruit in a day, but you have to make sure that you don’t over-eat them and stay vigilant of the portion size consumed by you. Also, try to refrain from fruits having high glycemic index.
Workouts in The Optifast Diet
Optifast diet program which is recommendation of registered dietitians, physicians, and nutrition experts, gives great importance to physically active lifestyle. No matter what exercises you do, your main motive shall be to keep your body in motion.
Benefits of The Optifast Diet Plan
The Optifast diet plan is like a ray of hope for all those overweight people who have tried almost all other diet plans, eminent for shedding weight, but failed to see any impact on their body. Let’s have a look at some other benefits of the Optifast diet plan.
- Since the plan points up the consumption of low-carb products, you shall see great improvement in your blood glucose level.
- The plan will bring down your blood cholesterol level and thus will keep check on heart diseases.
- You will experience amazing changes taking place both in your body and mind. Your confidence will boost and you will develop new and healthy perspective towards life.
This Diet is good for the health and make a slim body.