Discovered by Michael Dow and his wife, Pen and Paper Diet is a low calorie weight loss program. Magnificent diet program is based on the fact that your calorie consumption in a day should be less than the calories burned by you. So calorie counting has been considered paramount in the diet plan.
How Pen and Paper Diet Originated?
Pen and paper diet originated as a result of frustration and stress taking root in the minds of couple regarding their increasing weight. Stress of the couple started, when Michael’s wife found it unable to fit herself inside her 26 size waist jeans, and witnessed that she was about to touch 270 pounds at the age of twenty six only.
It was during that time when the couple decided to assist each other in bringing their bodies in perfect shapes. Resultantly, they came up with pen and paper diet. Since they developed the diet solution to beat their personal weight problems, they aimed to make such weight loss program which can keep up them in great shape for long duration.
What Does Pen and Paper Diet Include?
Michael himself stripped off fifteen pounds and his wife shed eight pounds in a month by using the plan. Low calorie diet was chosen by Michael as a weapon to combat against stubborn fats overpowering your body. Michael recommends the dieters to cut back 100 calories in a day, if they confront weight loss plateau while moving along with the program.
Your calorie consumption in a day will be determined by your gender, age, weight, height etc. Instead of getting rigid, the diet solution has offered congenial weight loss solution to its dieters by not eliminating their favorite foods. Moreover, unlike other low calorie diet schedules, you won’t be put under extremely low calorie diet.
How Easy Pen and Paper Diet Plan is?
Pen and paper diet is simple and easy to follow and it can dramatically shed pounds from your body. Since Michael has tried to make the plan healthy and realistic which dieters can abide by for a really long time, he has not eliminated the foods they yearn from the diet regime.
You can make your own list of healthy foods. In addition to that, you can watch calorie content of various foods served in restaurants in the website of diet program. This shall help you in keeping check on your weight even while socializing with your friends.
Work Mechanism of Pen and Paper Diet
The diet solution doesn’t ask you to make drastic changes in your routine life. You just need to get a pen and paper and pen down your diet schedule of the day. Writing down all the food items will not only keep you guided but will also support you in controlling your unhealthy eating habits.
Without requiring any expert supervision, you can obtain total calorie consumption of the day, and can know how many calories you are consuming in a day. If you find huge difference between the actual calories consumed and required calories consumed to attain weight loss objective, cut back extra calories from your diet and help yourself acquire perfect shape.
Prefer buying packaged food items because they have calorie content printed on the packaging, so you don’t have to struggle to know about their calorie content.
Workouts in Pen and Paper Diet
Michael refers workouts vital to grow lighter in weight. That being said, you don’t have to stress yourself with the thought of workouts. He insists on the value of practicing workouts delightfully rather than taking them as burden.
In addition to that, since your body needs to be adequately nourished to perform workouts, avoid going for workouts with empty stomach. Workouts effectively eradicate surplus fats piled up around your internal organs, so they are very capable of getting you in your desired body shape. Show some creativity and introduce your creative ideas in workouts. Doing so will ensure you flattering results by the end of the program.
Healthy Diet Tip for Dieters
Michael has set the dieters free to select healthy foods for them on their own. If you are impressed by the simplicity of pen and paper diet and want to follow it, inculcate plenty of plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds etc. in your diet schedule.
Plant based foods are low in calories and provide adequate nourishment to your body. Contrary to that, besides containing unhealthy fats, animal foods also contain toxic materials which make your body ill. Naturally obtained healthy foods will fetch you all the health benefits. And whatever diet program you follow, water is the essence of life, so don’t forget to drink gallons of water in a day.
Drawbacks of Pen and Paper Diet
Since the plan has benefitted several dieters, it has turned into a successful weight loss program. However, it has some pitfalls too. Let’s have a look at some of the drawbacks of pen and paper diet program.
- Weighing different foods and calorie counting is a lot of work which might consume plenty of your time. People having very busy schedule are unlikely to do cope-up with it and thus cannot look up to the diet program as their prospective weight loss plan.
- When your body happens to be on low calorie diet, along-with physiological changes, psychological changes too occur in your body. Michael indeed has acknowledged physiological changes but he has totally overlooked psychological changes.
- Nutrition density of foods tells about the virtuousness of any diet program, but Michael has not mentioned nutritional value of foods anywhere in the diet solution. In addition to that, since he has not recommended the kind of foods dieters should consume, he has elevated their chances of going astray.
- Calorie content of packaged foods can be known but it’s difficult to know the calorie content of whole or unpackaged foods.
- There is dearth of sufficient proofs supporting the claim that pen and paper diet program really works.