HomeHealthRyan Serhant Workout Routine and Fitness Secrets

Ryan Serhant Workout Routine and Fitness Secrets

Ryan Serhant is one of the most popular real estate salespersons and TV personalities who are way more dedicated to fitness than you would think. His workout routine is very strenuous and his motivation is not unlike ours. Curious to know? Then, read on to get a glimpse of the workout routine and fitness secrets of the star.

Ryan Serhant posing with his book in September 2018
Ryan Serhant posing with his book in September 2018 (Ryan Serhant / Instagram)

Workout Motivation

Ryan is one of those people who like to get a workout done during early mornings. He wakes up at 4:30 every morning and what keeps him motivated is the fact that he has no idea about the workout he would do that day. Sometimes, he opts for upper body workouts and sometimes he focuses on lower body workouts. The excitement of not knowing what to expect is what keeps him going. Another factor that motivates him is that he works out with some of his pals who encourage him to do better.

Fitness Focus

While growing up, Serhant was overweight and focusing on fitness helped him to be in charge of his body. He wanted to make his body look different so he opted for weight training. He also overhauled his diet, eliminated cakes and puddings from it, and followed workouts suggested by friends or the ones he found online. Like many other celebrities, he is so addicted to workouts that he has even said that for him, workouts are synonymous to eating.

Ryan Serhant posing shirtless in Mílos, Kikladhes, Greece in September 2018
Ryan Serhant posing shirtless in Mílos, Kikladhes, Greece in September 2018 (Ryan Serhant / Instagram)

Workout Approach

Once he reaches the gym, he likes to do total body superset routines because they help him work different muscle groups at once. He likes getting things done for his body so he tries to hit all the parts of his body during a workout session to get the most out of it. He doesn’t like missing out on a certain body part during his workouts.

Thoughts on Cardio

Ryan is not a fan of cardio workouts and terms the SkiErg machine and assault bike as the worst options. However, he still manages to do them by convincing himself that they are good for him.

Ryan Serhant in a selfie with Emilia Bechrakis in August 2018
Ryan Serhant in a selfie with Emilia Bechrakis in August 2018 (Ryan Serhant / Instagram)

Workout Routine

Ryan Serhant’s Million Dollar Workout is designed by a senior trainer and trainer development manager at Dogpound, Reinhard Nel. The workout is mentioned right below.

To warm up, he does 2 sets each of 10 Banded Good Mornings, 5 Pause Goblet Squats, 20 Banded Face-Pulls, and 30 seconds Bear Hug Hold Marches.

After the warm-up, he does the exercises as straight sets or full body circuits. The focus is on completing all the sets of an exercise before moving onto the next.

In case you want to try the workout, remember that the goal will influence your workout strategy. If your goal is to gain strength, you should choose a weight which is 80-95 percent of 1 rep max and then you need to perform 3-5 sets with 4-6 reps. In contrast, if you want to build muscle endurance, you should select a weight which is 60-80 percent of your 1 rep max and then you need to do 3-4 sets with 8-12 reps.

Below are some of the exercises which Ryan performs –

Kettlebell Front Rack Squats

Sumo Deadlift

Landmine Punch Press With Bands

Landmine Towel Row

Assault Bike Sprint

Featured Image by Ryan Serhant / Instagram

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