HomeStatisticsPoliticianAkbar Rafsanjanī Height, Weight, Age, Children, Biography

Akbar Rafsanjanī Height, Weight, Age, Children, Biography

Akbar Rafsanjanī Quick Info
Height 5 ft 5 in
Weight 74 kg
Date of Birth August 25, 1934
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Date of Death January 8, 2017

Akbar Rafsanjanī was an Iranian politician and writer who was one of the founding fathers of the Islamic Republic and served as the 4th president of Iran from 1989 to 1997. Described as a pragmatic Islamic conservative, The Economist called him a “veteran kingmaker”.

Born Name

Ali Akbar Hashimi Bahramani Rafsanjani

Nick Name


Akbar Rafsanjanī as seen in a black-and-white still
Akbar Rafsanjanī as seen in a black-and-white still (Unknown / / Public Domain)


He was born on August 25, 1934.


On January 8, 2017, at 19:30 (UTC+03:30), Akbar Rafsanjanī died after suffering a heart attack in a pool at the age of 82 in Tajrish, Shemiran, Iran.

Resting Place

Mausoleum of Ruhollah Khomeini in Tehran, Iran

Sun Sign


Born Place

Bahraman, Kerman, Iran


Iranian nationality flag



Akbar Rafsanjanī was 14 years old when he left for Qom and eventually started studying theology at Qom Seminary, the largest Islamic seminary (hawza) in Iran which was established in 1922 by Grand Ayatollah Abdul-Karim Haeri Yazdi in Qom. During his time there, he studied the ideas of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on the political rule of the clergy and his other teachers included Seyyed Hossein Borujerdi, Mohammad-Reza Golpaygani, Mohammad Kazem Shariatmadari, Abdul-Karim Ha’eri Yazdi, Shahab al-Din Mar’ashi Najafi, Nematollah Salehi Najafabadi, Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i, and Hussein-Ali Montazeri.


Politician, Writer


  • Father – Mirza Ali Hashemi Behramani (A pistachio merchant who was one of Kerman’s famous businesspersons)
  • Mother – Hajie Khanom Mahbibi Hashemi (Died at the age of 90 on December 21, 1995)
  • Siblings – Mohammad Hashemi Rafsanjani (Younger Brother) (Politician who was a member of the Expediency Discernment Council from 1997 to 2012, Former director of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)). Akbar Rafsanjanī had 6 more siblings.



Akbar Rafsanjanī (Left) as seen while meeting Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Akbar Rafsanjanī (Left) as seen while meeting Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (Fars News Agency / / CC BY 4.0 DEED)


5 ft 5 in or 165 cm


74 kg or 163 lbs

Girlfriend / Spouse

Akbar Rafsanjanī dated –

  1. Effat Marashi (1958-2017) – In 1958, he married Effat Marashi and they had 5 children – three sons named Mohsen Hashemi Rafsanjani (b. October 24, 1961), Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani (b. September 20, 1969), and Yasser Hashemi Rafsanjani (b. 1971) and two daughters named Fatemeh Hashemi Rafsanjani (b. circa 1959 or 1960) and Faezeh Hashemi Bahramani (better known as Faezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani; b. January 7, 1963). Akbar Rafsanjanī and Effat Marashi remained together until his death in 2017.

Race / Ethnicity


Hair Color

Salt and Pepper

Eye Color

Dark Brown

Sexual Orientation


Distinctive Features

Deep-set eyes


Shia Islam

Akbar Rafsanjanī (Left) as seen with newly elected Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in 1989
Akbar Rafsanjanī (Left) as seen with newly elected Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in 1989 ( / ./3/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow noopener”> / CC BY 4.0 DEED)

Akbar Rafsanjanī Facts

  1. He was born into a wealthy family of pistachio farmers.
  2. During his time at Qom Seminary, he got inclined toward politics under Ruhollah Khomeini and became one of the opposers of Mohammad Reza Shah’s White Revolution and accompanied Khomeini.
  3. Following Khomeini’s exile, Akbar Rafsanjanī played a prominent role in the fight against Mohammad Reza Shah. Between 1960 and 1979, he was arrested 7 times and was in jail for four years and 5 months in total due to his clandestine activities against the Pahlavi regime.
  4. He became one of the members of the Council of Islamic Revolution following the victory of the Iranian Revolution.
  5. Akbar Rafsanjanī served as one of Tehran’s Friday Prayer Imams, Representative of Khomeini at the Defense High Council, and Second-in-Command of Iran’s Joint Chiefs of Staff in the last year of the Iran–Iraq War. He also played a key role in forcing Khomeini to accept to end the war.
  6. Three days of national mourning and a public holiday on his funeral day were announced by the government after his death.
  7. Following his death, it was speculated that Akbar Rafsanjanī had been assassinated due to the suddenness of the events. Investigations also revealed that the level of radioactivity in his body was “10 times what is considered permissible” while his daughter Fatemeh and his wife also had unusually high levels of radioactivity.
  8. Even though Rafsanjani and Ali Khamenei’s relations weakened in the latter years, after his death, Khamenei said, ” I don’t know any other figure with whom I have had so many shared experiences and long history in ups and downs of this era which made history.”

Featured Image by Unknown / / Public Domain

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