Cassey Ho was named as the 6th most influential fitness professional of the modern age by Forbes. But her journey here was not as smooth as one might assume. She had a difficult childhood, worked too hard to achieve her goals and even started sacrificing sleep. This took a toll on her body and made her realize that sleep is a key factor in fitness. Here we learn about her sleep habits and some amazing fitness tips that might help you to make your life better.
Being Sleep Deprived
The stunner had bad sleeping habits for years since high school. She assumed that if she didn’t get more sleep, she will be able to get more done. Sometimes, she did a workout at 12 AM or edited videos until 3 in the morning while waking up at regular hours. This behavior resulted in her being sleep deprived.
The Side Effects
The sleep deprivation started to take a toll on her body. It became hard for her to lose weight. She sought the help of the Western doctors to know the reason for her inability to lose weight but they couldn’t help much. Then, she turned to naturopathic doctors who told her that her stress hormone (cortisol) levels were high and these increase lower belly fat. They also stated that the main culprit was the lack of sleep as it sends levels of that hormone sky-high.
The New Aim
Now, the YouTube star tries to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every night and tries to be in her bed by midnight. She adopted these good habits just two years ago and saw the results soon after as her workout results improved.
How to Sleep like Cassey Ho?
She still gives a lot of importance to sleep. She reads right before going to bed as it calms her mind. When she needs to hop between different time zones and thus can’t get regular sleep, the spokesperson for ZzzQuil trusts this sleep aid.
Try Stretches before Bed
If you are looking for better ways to sleep instantly, you can try doing some stretches before bed. Poses like dancing dog helps her relax. Learn it over here.
Diet Tips
Cassey has also got a simple diet tip for all. She recommends eating as close to nature as possible and staying away from processed foods. You should also try different foods and stick to the ones that agree with your body.
How to Attain Body Positivity?
The founder of the über-popular blog Blogilates says that you should stop comparing yourselves with others and be confident of who you are. True beauty is not just the way you look, it is also about your glow from confidence. To achieve true beauty, you don’t even need any makeup. The more you love yourself for who you are and what you do, the more it will be better for you and everyone in your life.
How to Deal with Cyberbullies and Body-Shamers?
If you want to deal with cyberbullies and body shamers, you should not allow them to get to you. You should focus on positivity in life and know that as bullies won’t add to the positivity, they don’t have any right to be in your mind or heart.
Why Should Everyone Workout?
The aim of your workouts should not just be to look good. Your aim should be to feel happy, motivated and energized to take on the rest of the day. If you feel good from the inside, you will end up looking good too.
Post Workout Snack
After a workout, you should have a meal that has protein, fats, and healthy carbs as it will refuel your body from all the hard work accomplished. Ho does it by having a Peanut Butter and Banana almond milk smoothie with spinach.
How to do a Killer Workout at Dorm/Room?
If you wish to work out on a regular basis and you have no idea about how to get started, then the founder of Pop Pilates (pop-music-fueled Pilates YouTube videos) wants you to just buy a yoga mat so that you can do the workouts in a comfortable manner.
Workout Motivation
Being negative will never help you if you are seeking workout motivation. The owner of a super-cute activewear line told that if you wish to boost your motivation to work out, you should get rid of all the negative thoughts. Then you should opt for things that improve your mood. It can be anything from talking to a friend or getting outside. When you are in a good mood, you will accomplish all the workout goals with a smile on your face.