American figure skater, Ashley Wagner is one of the mesmerizing sports beauties who have honored America with her talent. Owing to her awesome track record of winning international championships, Ashley earned bronze medal while being a part of 2014 Winter Olympics.
Blessed with naturally lean body, the young stunner attributes regular workouts and balanced diet for her enviable curves. Totally in agreement with her body requirements, Ashley figures out expansion in her weight without even weighing herself. She contends, she experiences the heftiness in her body while doing workouts and proactively gets to work to resume slim shape.
Ashley Wagner Workout Routine
Ashley inevitably has astonishingly flexible and graceful body. Without being obsessed with the thoughts of grueling workouts, the bombshell takes them easy. Although the hectic practice schedule of the brunette seeks her to be on ice for skating practice for hours, but still, she seldom overlooks additional workouts to maintain the suppleness of her body.
Her workout regime is comprised of mixed workouts such as running, swimming, dancing, strength training etc. She builds up her core strength through weight lifting, which also sculpts her body parts. Being part of sports, requiring great speed and agility, she enhances her stamina and endurance with cardio workouts. Jumping jacks, squats, crunches etc. develop her speed by having her make several reps.
Four miles running for three days in a week is a part of her exercise regime. Yoga being her beloved exercise has her performs myriad stretching postures of it. Yoga bestows her great flexibility, which actually is the paramount requirement of the sports she is allied to.
Besides that, she loves paddle boarding, which is a superb water sport. It’s an incredible mode to tone your muscles while having fun. Multiplicity in workouts is the key to have chiseled figure like Ashley.
Ashley Wagner Diet Plan
Just like her workouts, she is lenient to her diet as well. She doesn’t appreciate depriving her body from her adored foods and that’s the reason she succumbs to portion control. Instead of craving for the high carb or unhealthy foods, she embraces them in small portion size. However, her taste is naturally more inclined to wholesome foods such as brown rice, pasta, soft-boiled eggs, steamed veggies etc.
She reckons, if you persistently swear by regular exercises and scorch sufficient number of calories in a day, then there is no harm in eating your favorite foods in small quantity. In addition to that, the killer beauty doesn’t remain stick to one particular diet regime. She rather varies it on daily basis. By fluctuating your food items and calorie consumption, you can ditch your metabolism and can maintain to have stable weight.
Along-with balanced diet, Ashley also consumes iron and protein supplements to strengthen her bones. Let’s have a look at one typical day diet regimes of the kick- ass beauty.
Breakfast – She prefers having fruit juice such as orange juice, soft-boiled egg, protein bar etc. in her breakfast.
Lunch – Her lunch usually consists of steamed brown rice, chicken quesadilla, mixed salad, whole grain bread sandwich etc.
Snacks – She likes having grapefruit, granola, pistachios, hummus, kale chips etc. in her snacks.
Dinner – She prefers having pasta, burger etc. in her dinner.
Due to being in gala mood on weekends, she devours all her favored foods at least once in a week. Besides that, she has sweet tooth, so without being ruthless towards it, she cherishes sweet foods in moderation.
Healthy Recommendation For Ashley Fans
Ashley recommends her fans to develop reverence for your body. She reckons, you all have different body types having varied stamina and endurance. It’s not justified to degrade your body by comparing it with someone else’s.
She says, mostly girls are in habit of weighing them on daily basis, which actually hinder their weight loss plans. Weighing acts like two ways sword. If you find you with reduced weight, you get elated and get into gala mood, which in turn can have you splurge foods.
Contrary to that, despite working hard, when you don’t see any fall in your weight, you get stressed out. Stress might take its toll with binge eating or with intense workouts. While binge eating will add-on calories to your body, sudden practice of intense workouts will do no good but exhaust your body. The bottom line is to stay cool and stop weighing you.