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The Belly Fat Diet – Strip off Belly Fat and Get Flat Stomach

The Belly Fat Diet

Devised by Karlene Karst, RD, specialist in natural medicine and nutrition, The Belly Fat Diet seeks to rid you from all the problems showing up in your body due to belly fat. With the aid of exercises and nutrient dense diet, the magnificent diet program will strip off fat from your belly.

You will melt 4 to 6 pounds of weight in a week while going along with the plan. And the best part is you don’t have to say goodbye to your beloved foods such as ice cream, pizza, burger, chips etc. You just have to stay vigilant about the consumption of sugary foods and processed carbs.

Causes of Belly Fat

Belly fat actually is foe of a healthy body because it makes suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and several other ailments. There are myriad factors responsible for enhancing belly fat. Hormonal imbalance, insomnia, sedentary lifestyle, deficiency of healthy fats, poor diet, environmental toxins, genetics etc. are some of the most prominent factors causing an increase in your belly fat.

In addition to them, wrong eating habits which include consumption of processed foods, beverages, exceedingly high consumption of salty and sugary foods cause elevated formation of fats, which get piled up around your hips, arms, belly, and thighs.

How Effective Diet is in Removing Belly Fat?

Since major portion of flab in your body occurs due to unhealthy food intake, you inevitably can attain flat stomach if you work on your eating habits and swap unhealthy foods with healthy ones.

For instance, insulin resistance which occurs due to imbalance in the release of hormones in your body is the main culprit accountable for belly fat. For keeping check on insulin resistance, you shall feed your body low carb foods having low glycemic index.

Follow Healthy Diet Regime

Healthy diet regime will pave your pay to flat stomach and disease-free body. Let’s have a look at some of the healthy eating habits of healthy diet regime.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

Inculcate omega-3 fatty acids in your routine diet. Avoid consuming animal foods because they are mostly rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which is unhealthy for your body. Avocado, nuts, and seeds such as walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds etc. are opulent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. You can also consume supplements of fish oil to render adequate nourishment to your body. Essential fatty acids assist your body both in combating against belly fat and inflammation.

Green Tea 

Green tea can be used as a tool to get rid of belly fats. Green tea which comes in diverse flavors such as lemon, jasmine etc. has amazing antioxidant properties which will propel all the toxic fats out from your body. Instead of having a cup of coffee or cup of normal tea, you can make healthy beginning of your day by consuming green tea.

Lean Protein

Unlike carbs, proteins and fats don’t cause any rise in insulin level, so you can freely incorporate them in your meals. Proteins will speed up your metabolism, keep it busy for hours, and thus will keep check on your appetite. You are advised to have small portions of fish, tofu, chicken breast etc. in your meals.

Greek Yogurt

Make low-fat Greek yogurt an indispensable part of your diet regime. Greek yogurt is both rich in proteins and vitamins. Apart from removing fats from your body, it also keeps your cravings for fat busting foods in control. When your body suffers from the dearth of calcium, it starts releasing fat producing hormones.

These hormones start depositing visceral fat around internal organs of your body. So, it’s critical for you to fuel your body with calcium rich foods. Research shows that people consuming Greek yogurt in routine have comparatively less fat around their belly than people not consuming it.

Low GI Foods

Your diet regime should be comprised of more and more of low GI foods. High glycemic index foods trigger the release of cortisol hormones which further peps up the formation of visceral fat in your body. By selecting low GI foods such as blueberries, beans, lentils etc., you can both stop visceral fat taking control over your body. They shall also save you from becoming victim of type 2 diabetes.

Organic Foods

Include organic and natural foods such as fruits and vegetables in your routine diet regime. These foods being natural benefactors provide adequate nourishment to your body and improve the functioning of varied body organs. Many veggies have antioxidant properties which will also detoxify your body along-with burning fats.

Forbid Addiction Causing Foods

Forbid addiction causing foods and beverages such as caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, coffee etc. because they foster accumulation of fats. Besides that, these foods cause inflammation and irritation in your gut and damage the protective shield of your gut.

Healthy Lifestyle

Along-with healthy food regime, you should also abide by healthy lifestyle, so that you don’t get unwanted flab. First of all, never keep you hungry for long hours. Hungry hours make your metabolism sluggish. So to keep it busy, consume five to six small meals in a day. Timing of meals is also very crucial. Always prefer having your breakfast within one hour of waking up and seldom have your dinner after eight. Maintain minimum two hours of gap between your dinner and sleeping hours.

Workouts in The Belly Fat Diet

The belly fat diet insists on inclusion of workouts in your day to day life. You need to give at least thirty minutes in a day to workouts. Circuit training is mainly emphasized in the diet program. Strength training such as weight lifting puts accurate pressure on the parts of your body, which tone them and bring them in perfect shapes.

Besides toning and burning fats from various parts of your body, exercises also maintain adequate balance in the release of hormones, strengthen your bones, multiply your muscle mass, and thus bestow you perfectly healthy and enviable body. You can also practice lunges and squats because these exercises put stress on your abdomen and torch calories at a very fast pace.

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