HomeCelebDietEmily Maynard Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Emily Maynard Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Emily Maynard workout

Phenomenal beauty, style icon, Bachelorette Emily Maynard is credited with impeccable beauty and charm. With her vibrant face and curvy figure, she can imprison anyone’s eyes. Emily attributes mainly her diet for her pristine figure and also some kissing (as she don’t get much time out of her busy schedule to workout). She playfully chirps, if kissing boys is also regarded as an exercise, then Emily admits that she performs a lot of it to maintain her figure. Jokes apart!! Let’s have a look at the diet and workout secrets of Emily Maynard which are accountable for her bikini-embracing figure.

Physically Active Schedule

The charming celeb claims that her toned and curvy figure is not the outcome of numerous grueling workout hours spent in the gym. It’s hard to believe her in first place but when we look at her day schedule which often makes her run out of time, we certainly appreciate her way to maintaining her statuesque figure. The pretty celeb doesn’t sit idle. She keeps jumping from one thing to another. She engages herself in household works such as mopping, washing dishes, doing laundry, and running after her daughter, Ricki. Her jam-packed personal and professional life which keep her on toes all the while certainly are accountable for her sculpted figure. Besides that, she also performs some workouts with resistance band.

Watchful Diet

Emily doesn’t perform exercises to sculpt her body but she is very prudent about her consumption of foods. She self-proclaims that she can even totally renounce the consumption of salt, sugar, and carbs from her diet. Her affection for clean and wholesome foods helps her to rev up her metabolism and renders her slender body.

Emily Maynard diet

Though she swears by nutrient dense diet most of the time but she finds herself unable to control her cravings for diet coke which she consumes in immense quantity. However, she shares, she knows that it’s not wholesome to consume the beverage, so she endeavors to swap it with plain water. She banks on healthy foods and inculcates bountiful nutrient-laden foods such as sushi with brown rice, salads without fatty cheeses, fruits with peanut butter etc. in her diet.

Healthy Tips for Fans

If you are in your twenties and believe that you have plenty of time to surrender you to workouts, you are not in right direction. In your twenties, you inevitably want to explore you in several new areas but the same age is crucial from health point of view also. Research shows that people who are healthy in their twenties are likely to be hale and slender in later part of their lives too. Here are some habits which you shall swear by in your twenties to secure blissful and healthy life for you.

Embrace Strength Training

Be it body-weight circuit training or lifting heavy weights; incorporate strength training in your workout routine. Strength training which is an excellent workout fosters the formation of lean muscles, revs up your metabolism, scorches calories, combats insomnia, and rids you from myriad diseases.

Vary Your Workouts

No matter how proficient runner or dancer you are, don’t bank on these activities solely to acquire lean figure. When you continue doing monotonous physical activity for prolonged time, your body develops fitness plateau and you end up getting disappointing results. Best thing you can do is bring variations. If you have already spent one or two weeks on strength training, give your body some flavor of yoga in the third week.

Don’t Overlook Rest Period

There are numerous times when you wish to look extraordinary glam and gorgeous for some special event. It’s alright to engage you in consistent workouts during those times. However, if your special event is more than two months far, then make sure that you give your body at least one day’s rest. Rest period is generally deemed as wastage of time but it actually prepares your body to recover and thus speeds up weight loss process in your body.

Learn Correct Workout Procedure

Circuit training and strength training require you to follow the correct technique and process. If you don’t do so, you are at risk to get injured while doing them. Don’t hitch to join gym and practice workouts under the supervision of personal trainer. In addition to them, don’t hesitate from asking your doubts and ask as many questions from the fitness instructor as are there in your mind. Workouts done with proper technique shall boost your confidence and perk up your chances to getting rewarding results in short time span.

Fuel Your Body After Workouts

Workouts indeed burn bountiful calories from your body but your body requires immediate fuel to recharge it. So, don’t underestimate the importance of post workout snacks having proportionate mix of carbs and proteins. You can have chocolate milk shake after workouts which is a great post workout snack.

Stretch Before and After Workouts

Cultivate the habits of stretching both before and after workouts. Stretching relaxes your tightened muscles and thus cut your chances of being injured. So, spend minimum three to five minutes on stretching before and after executing the exercises.

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