HomeHealthHow The Geordie Shore Star, Charlotte-Letitia Crosby Became size 8 from 16?...

How The Geordie Shore Star, Charlotte-Letitia Crosby Became size 8 from 16? Get to Know Her Fitness Fears, Fitness Journey and Make Use of Her Fitness Tips

Charlotte Crosby "before" and "after"
Charlotte Crosby “before” and “after”

Charlotte-Letitia Crosby is one of those women who wanted change in their lives and worked hard to get it. Her 3 Minute Belly Blitz fitness DVD is one of the fastest selling fitness DVDs which implies that the reality show star has a knack for keeping herself and others fit. She is also very forthcoming about sharing her fitness fears, her weight loss journey and caps it off by sharing some amazing fitness tips.

The Terrible Experience

As reported by Now Magazine, the author of Me, Me and Me realized her fitness problems very late and that time was very hard for her. She admits that she went for a photo shoot and put on some clothes but later realized that they were so tight that they dug into her skin. As a result, she ended up crying a lot and wanted to back out from the photo shoot but somehow managed to complete it. This experience opened her eyes and she really started to think about making a change in her fitness levels.

Charlotte-Letitia Crosby with her fitness DVD
Charlotte-Letitia Crosby with her fitness DVD

The Inception of 3 Minute Belly Blitz fitness DVD

Charlotte was very embarrassed to join a gym as she didn’t want to work out in front of loads of people. Her solution? She created her own fitness DVD and lost 3 stones. She became size 8 from size 16 in just 6 months time.

Her Mistakes

The bubbly celebrity has also confessed that she used to indulge in many pints of Irish cream and Baileys, which contributed in making her unfit.

Her Happiness with the Results

The Newcastle lass has also acknowledged that shedding off that extra weight has made her a better person. She is very confident about her own personality now, which leads to her being happy most of the times. The pretty lady also says that she likes working out and pushing her muscles to the limit, which makes her feel delighted when they change as per her plans.

Charlotte Crosby in bikini
Charlotte Crosby in bikini

The Belief

Crosby believes that if she can achieve such great results by being serious about fitness, then anyone can do it with ease.

The Fitness Tips

If the article published by Closer Online is to be believed, The Geordie Shore star has given a lot of useful fitness tips to her fans that would make your fitness goals seem easier. Do try to implement as many as you can and let us know about your experience. Won’t you?

Charlotte Crosby working out
Charlotte Crosby working out

Bad Days are OK

Crosby advises her fans to accept that bad days are part of the deal. If you have a few bad days at the gym and feel like giving up, don’t do it. You will only end up losing all the progress, you have made. Just believe that you can make up for the lost time some other day.

Work Out in Group

The TV personality advises you to form a group of friends and go for a workout session with them. It will keep you motivated and you’ll rarely slack off. She states that she works out with the Geordie Shore girls, whenever she can manage it.

Don’t Follow Your Man’s Diet

The television diva advises you to never eat as much as your boyfriend or husband. Eating the same food is okay but you must limit your portions to control your weight. After all, they need to eat more because of their body shape, but you should never follow their lead by eating large meals.

Charlotte Crosby with trainer
Charlotte Crosby with trainer

Follow a Routine

The Sunderland born advises you to make a rigid routine and follow it. Her preference is to do her self created 3 Minute Belly Blitz first thing every morning and get it over with. You need to create your own fitness plan. If you are too lazy to get up at the same time in the morning or often forget to workout, you should put an alarm on your phone.

Expand your Fitness Goals

Charlotte wants you to keep aiming for harder and tougher workouts as it will help you map your progress. She has commented that she used to lose her breath even while doing one to three minute segment from her DVD, but she worked hard and progressed to nine minutes without being breathless.

Eat on a Table

You should also try to eat on a table and concentrate on eating only. Eating while doing other things such as watching television would make you forget how much you have eaten and you will end up eating more than you planned.

Measure Your Meals

The next piece of advice is that you should measure the calories of every item you eat. This will let you know how much you need to workout to burn those extra calories. Ultimately, it will help you stay away from fatty foods as well.

Charlotte Crosby boxing workout
Charlotte Crosby boxing workout

Wear Fit Clothes

You should never wear loose or too tight clothes as you will never guess how much weight you have lost. Stay away from Lycra (except while working out) and wear same sized clothes to get an estimate of whether you are losing weight or not.

Use the Selfies

Selfies are not just for getting likes on social media channels. You should use them to motivate yourself to stay fit. When you see the fitness progress you have made, you will not be tempted to let go off your workout routine.

No Time Shortage Excuses

You should never make excuses like you are too busy to exercise. Find some time for exercising daily (even three minutes will do) and stay fit for a long time.

Savor Your Food

You should also try to eat your food slowly. This will allow you to enjoy it more and you will feel full after a short period of time. Crosby relates that she used to eat up a heavy meal and then go for puddings as she used to eat her meals in 5 minutes flat. So, you better learn from her mistakes and save yourself some extra hours in the gym.

Try Different Exercises

Like most of the celebrities, the winner of twelfth series of Celebrity Big Brother also advises you to try different exercises as it will keep you from being bored and your body will be thankful for the changes, you make in your exercise routine.

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