A beautiful, energetic straightforward is the lady Jillian Michaels. She is the best-known trainer for her popular television program “The Biggest Loser” and “Losing it with Jillian”. Also for her appearance in the talk show “The Doctors”, she and her co-stars got nominated in the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host and the show was nominated for “outstanding informative talk show”.
She is a personal trainer, an entrepreneur, reality show personality and talk show host and holds certifications with the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), the National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association (NESTA).
She is known to be as America’s toughest trainer.
Jillian Michaels Workout Routine
The three major points that are required to achieve the desired results especially for the dieters are –
Exercise: She stays with the same old-fashioned mantra i.e. the vigorous the better which means a lot of hard work and sweat.
Diet: The next equation is the diet and involves a complete calorie control. Apart from calorie control, the other factor is the body shape which defines what type of food one should have.
Behavioral Modification: The only factor here is the willpower. The food intake, techniques for exercising and habits are some of the points which help those who are little shorter in willpower. All the techniques are different from person to person as per their emotional state and their relationship with the food.
Jillian’s 5 Fitness Points
- Your body also gets bored of the same exercise routine. Keep changing it after some time to achieve better results.
- Eat something before exercising as during your workout you need energy to burn fat.
- Exercise plays a major factor in boosting up your self-esteem and mood.
- Don’t hold on while on a treadmill a sit decreases the calorie burn up to 25%.
- Always consult your physician first before starting and make it to different levels i.e. first the beginner then intermediate and so on. It’s very important that your body gets used to all of it first.
Jillian Michaels Few Workout Exercises
- Single Leg Squat With Corkscrew Curl: Stand with the weight on your left foot and hold dumbbells in both hands with palms facing behind you. As you extend you arms squat on your left leg. Then rise up with palms facing up and curl your weight toward your shoulders. Do this for 30 seconds for each leg and repeat this workout for 2-3 minutes.
- Dancing Crab: Sit on the ground with straightens arms and raised hips and hands on the ground behind you. Lift right leg and left arm and try to touch your right foot with you left arm. Repeat the same with alternate sides for 30 seconds but make sure that hips are raised all the time!
- Stork Stance Reverse Fly: Bend forward until torso is parallel to the ground and lift your left leg along with it up to the hip height while holding a dumbbell in your both ends with arms extended in front and palms facing each other.
- Plank Mogul: Lay in a plank position with your body completely straight from head to heels and abs tight. Then bend your knees and jump feet about a foot to the right and then jump back to the starting position and then jump to the left. Repeat for 30 seconds for both sides respectively.
A full series of her workout videos are available. You can either watch some of them on YouTube or buy from Amazon.
Jillian Michaels Diet Plan
The basic factor for a great body is to consume less calorie then you use to have before. The tip by Jillian is to balance all your food groups depending on if you are a slow oxidizer which requires a good amount of carbohydrates or fast oxidizer which requires proteins and fats in the diet to function well.
What Jillian Normally Has In Her Diet?
Breakfast: Jillian starts her day by consuming carbohydrates for long-lasting energy. She normally eats whole-grain Ezekiel English Muffins with almond butter in her breakfast.
Lunch: Her lunch consists of veggies and fish. The most common recipe for her lunch is Salmon Carpaccio and a vegetable or salad
Snack: for an afternoon perk she chooses to have baked chips and salsa, carrot sticks or orange or raw almonds or Brazil nuts.
Dinner: In dinner, Jillian goes for organic and cuts out her carbohydrate intake during dinner.
Sweet Treat: By surely considering her calorie intake Jillian always tries to get her dark chocolate with 200 calories intake!
Jillian Michaels 2016 Workout Routine Plus Bikini Body Tips
Jillian Michaels is one of the most popular fitness trainers. She is tough, she is great looking and she is a fitness inspiration for millions. She has worked with numerous celebrities such as Pink and they all appreciate her dedication. She has a very strict approach to keeping fit herself. Jillian follows a rigorous workout routine and still manages to keep a steady work-life balance. She has also recently shared some cool advice on toning the thighs and how to have a bikini body. Read it all here.
Workout Routine
The workout regime of the TV personality revolves around training each of her muscle groups such as legs, arms, core, etc. once a week. She works out at least 4 to 5 days a week, no matter how busy her schedule is. Jillian also does yoga once every week. She tries to do a minimum of 30-minute workout every day.
Working Out and Balancing the Family
Some women say that they can’t work out as they have a family to manage. This is not an excuse that Jillian has ever relied on. She asks her mom to watch her kids so that she and her partner, Heidi can take a yoga class together. She and her partner also switch up their workout routines so that they each can workout while managing the family. They plan their exercise sessions in coordination with one another. If Heidi is going for a run on Tuesday, Jillian would go for a bike ride on Wednesday.
Workout at Home
The entrepreneur also likes to workout with her partner at home. They opt for digital workout options like DVDs or use a website like FitFusion.com or POPSUGAR. When they are working out at home, their kids run around and play.
Working Out with Kids
The LA-based trainer is also making her kids realize the importance of working out and keeping active. She often does skiing, snorkeling, and horseback riding with her kids. Though these are not ideal workout options but these workouts have a fun element in it which keeps the kids excited about them.
Preferred Workouts
The diva has no preferred workout. She enjoys a bit of several exercises such as free running, bodyweight training, MMA training, yoga, and calisthenics.
Working Out Hard
Even when the stunner just has 30 minutes to spare for a workout, she works out hard so that she could get maximum results.
Fluctuating Workout Routines
Did you miss your morning yoga class? Or were you not able to give 150% during the weight training last week? If either is the case, then you will be pleased to know that the fitness guru also slacks off on her workouts every once in a while. She thinks that if you are trying to give your 150 percent every time and you can’t give it all the time, you should not get bothered about it. Just do the best you can.
Workout for Toned Thighs
Bulky thighs are a common body shape concern of many people. To help you get rid of that, Michaels has a unique advice to offer. She says that exercises like mat Pilates and sumo squats may help, but you should focus more on toning your legs as it’s a more holistic approach. In order to get toned thighs, you should target the whole muscle group, your legs.
The TV star thinks that focusing on toning up a certain area of your body is not a good option. You should concentrate on conditioning your entire body in a functional manner. Artificially toning muscles would not do you any good, so you should always target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
How to Get a Bikini Body?
The fitness expert has answered the question about how to get a bikini-worthy figure. She says that the key to a bikini-worthy figure is to not overeat at all. You should stick to eating healthy foods and avoid chemical based foods. Another secret is to hit the gym at least 4.5 hours every week. When you hit the gym, you should remember to keep your heart rate at 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. To calculate it, you should minus your age from 220 and multiply it with .85.
Jillian Michaels Workout Advice
She recently shared her insights on workouts and how to make them work for you no matter whether you are a newbie, a fitness enthusiast or a woman trying to balance family and fitness. We think that her ideas are highly useful and easily applicable. What’s your say? Have a look and let us know, won’t you?
Workout Motivation Advice
The gorgeous woman shared that you should workout only when you know why you want to. The reasons may be anything from losing weight to developing your body to even beat a disease. She thinks that this would overpower all other aspects related to how. (How to get started? How much to exercise? etc.)
Fitness Advice
Another advice shared by the star is that you should always train hard. If you are spending time in working out, don’t waste it on useless exercises. You should opt for exercises like body weight training, mix free weight training and HIIT intervals.
Warm Ups are Essential
The diva never skips her warm-ups (and you should not too.) Skipping warm-ups may lead to injuries in many cases.
Fitness Results
Whenever Jillian works out, she feels more confident, energetic and strength within her. These feelings help her to stay motivated to hit the gym even when she doesn’t really want to.
On Mixing the Workouts
The LA-born believes that mixing workouts is critical. When your body accepts the same type of workout every day, you will not improve and the results you were getting earlier would stop showing up. So, focus on making your exercises diversified as it will help your body, adapt to a certain type of exercise and will contribute to making you a well-rounded athlete.
Starting with the Workouts
The successful author has a bit of advice for newbies too. If you are new to exercising, then you must make sure you train with a trainer, buddy, group or class. Working out with someone will help you stay motivated and it will help you get access to useful knowledge like how to avoid an injury.
5 Minute Exercises
If you are one of those people who like to exercise but always run short of time then here are a few 5-minute exercises shared by the renowned trainer that will surely help you. These exercises are based on the body part you want to target. If you wish to target your back, you should use the five minutes in doing dumbbell rows, pull ups and chin ups. To shape up your bum – lunges, step ups and squats can be the key. Push ups, curls, shoulder presses, and dips should help you to strengthen your arms. Finally, bicycle crunches and planks are the best way to tone up your tummy.
Fitness Advice for Women
The TV personality thinks that women should balance their lives between responsibilities and fitness. Women should realize that perfection is not the goal. There would be times when women won’t be able to achieve all their fitness targets like a 90-minute yoga class. But they should not give up. Instead, they should do some exercise that fits their routine like taking out 4 half hours and making them count.
Family and Fitness
The entrepreneur thinks that connecting your family with fitness is a smart idea. You should take your spouse or any other family member with you to the gym. If you can’t do that, divide up the time by agreeing to go to the gym three days a week when your spouse stays at home and then reversing the things for the next four days.
Jillian Michaels 2018 Fitness Tips for Fans
Like almost every fitness guru, the diva also has a bit of advice for her fans who want to stay fit like her. Have a look.
Remember the Basics
The stunner wants you to follow the basics like avoiding overeating, not eating junk food and ensuring that you get enough sleep.
Working Out and Eating Right Matters
People often make the mistake of opting for either of these. They work out but don’t follow a healthy diet, or they don’t work out and follow a healthy diet. You should not make the same mistake and work out and eat right to get the results you want.
Love the Workouts
Always choose a workout that you can commit to for the long term. Her advice is that if you are aiming for weight loss, you should focus on HIIT, plyometrics, resistance training, movements that include different muscle groups (think burpees, squats, lunges, and pushups) and bodyweight training. These exercises are perfect for you if you want to burn calories during and after a workout.
Give Up Drinking
Or cut it down drastically. Alcohol can inhibit your fat metabolism by 73 percent so you would be doing yourself a favor when you cut it out.
Go for the 80/20 rule
You should follow the infamous 80/20 diet rule and allow yourself a treat daily. Don’t trust deprivation and extremes as they don’t work.
Alter Your Lifestyle
She also suggests that you lose weight by doing physical activities that you enjoy and making better food choices that are too obvious (like avoiding sugar and junk foods). When you do that, you will be able to sustain the weight loss results for long, and you will be less likely to gain the weight you lost back again.
Don’t Go for Keto
Yes, you read that right. Jillian says that you shouldn’t follow a fad diet like Keto that wants one to lower the carbs, eat moderate protein and stick to a high-fat diet. She thinks that Keto has got too much attention just because it can help in managing your insulin levels. In her opinion, people who are not eating too much-processed sugar or carbs or not eating too much food generally, won’t have high insulin levels.
She thinks that calorie management and calorie restriction is way better than Keto for most people as it is less oxidative and works way better for keeping you healthier. She summarizes by saying that if you are eating clean, not overeating, working out regularly, and have a balanced diet, you will look and feel your best.
she’s on the juice and has had work done. totally artificial results.