Weight loss has become a trend of the modern times. More and more people are trying different ways to lose weight but the most popular so far has been changing one’s diet (as far as we know). It’s a painless way to lose weight so scores of people attempt it every day. The latest to join the club of people who changed their bodies via weight loss is French born chef Manu Feildel. He tried the controversial diet of Australian chef and his buddy Pete Evans and lost 7 kilos in a few months. Get to know his weight loss journey and his opinion of the contentious diet here.
The Controversy
The controversy started when the famous Australian chef and author, Pete Evans popularized a fad diet. He took an extreme step when he decided to release a Paleo cookbook for babies in March this year. The president of the Public Health Association of Australia warned him that ‘a baby may die’ if he went for the publication. When Pete was unable to publish the book (in hard copy), he went online and published it there.
Weight Loss Woes
Now let us talk about Manu who has been facing weight loss issues since a long time if the reports published by Daily Mail are to be believed. In April 2015, the TV personality revealed that he put on 10 additional kilos while filming for My Kitchen Rules (2010-Present) earlier this year. Even before this (in 2012 to be precise), Manu had admitted that he is a yo-yo dieter and had hired a personal trainer to work on extra kilos of his body. (But apparently, he didn’t succeed much).
The Weight Loss Secret
Daily Telegraph exclusively reported that the foodie went through the Evan’s 10-week introduction course to the professed “cave man” menu. He tried this diet because he wanted to look good for the next season of My Kitchen Rules (which he will be hosting again) that will air early in 2016.
Trusting a Buddy
The popular TV presenter trusted his buddy for weight loss because he has known Pete for 16 years. He also thinks that Pete’s lifestyle should not be anyone’s business. He further added that the Paleo program he followed was great. He had been thinking of doing something substantial for his health for years and trusted his mate with the program as Pete has been motivating him to try it for two years.
Curious about the program? Well, here are the details. The cost of the 10-week introduction to Paleo course comes around $99 in which one gets a lot of fitness and nutrition tips through Evans’ official website. The website also contains healthy recipes such as salmon fillet with herbs and pomegranate that will tempt you to try them.
The Result
Feildel followed all the instructions shared by his pal for months and followed a strict diet to get great results. He lost 7 kilos of additional weight (And he looks hot now!!!). He also thinks that the diet has been a good way to start a new fitness routine.
The Weaknesses
The winner of 11th season of Dancing with the Stars (2004-Present) also shared a secret. He confessed that he tried to follow the diet and instructions to the best of his abilities but had a weakness too. He couldn’t stay away from cheese and wine because his French heritage has a strong influence over his food choices.
Defending a Buddy
The popular chef also defended his Channel 7 stablemate when asked about the few extra kilos Evans has been seen sporting lately. He said that Evans may have tried a bit extreme methods when he started changing his lifestyle but now he’s found a balance. He knows what he is doing and he looks good too.
Further defending his pal over the lifestyle Evans follows and professes, he added that people should watch the show if they like and not watch it if they don’t, they should not get personal about such things. Evans is doing a great job about his lifestyle and people should get inspired from him rather than criticizing him.
What’s your opinion of the Pete Evans controversial diet? Will you try it? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section.