When you look at a TV show, you often wonder how gorgeous someone looks. You often forget the hard work and dedication one had to demonstrate towards fitness to look so good. One example of a great looking celebrity is the cast member Cecily Strong of Saturday Night Live (1975-Present) who often makes people laugh out loud with her awesome comic timing.
Here we are exploring how Cecily manages to look so great by learning about her workout routine and diet plan for the show. Have a look and get inspired to change your life via regular workouts and a proper diet.
Making Fun of Fitness
The actress recently participated in a commercial with Triscuit and joked that what she is doing is called a fake fat camp.
Workout Routine
The workout routine of the star includes exercising on a daily basis. Regular workouts are her key to get in shape and get prepared for SNL.
Diet Secrets
The beauty admits that there are times when she finds it hard to stay healthy and often her health gets worse during the off-season. At that time, she gets back her health by sticking to a few staples in her diet.
Morning Shake
The diva starts her days with a morning shake that includes half a banana, frozen strawberries, almond butter, bullet proof protein, and water. She says that she has been slightly hypoglycemic since she was a kid, so she ensures that she eats every morning and gets some sugar.
She loves this morning shake the most because it makes her realize that she is getting in the ingredients her body needs the most. It also gives her the energy to stick to her hectic schedule without the need to have more food or a drink.
No Mindless Eating
Many TV stars have the bad habit of eating mindlessly when they are on the set, and unhealthy snacks are often being passed around, but Strong says that she steers clear of such a bad habit. She avoids too much snacking or mindless eating when she is on the set of her show.
Diet Indulgence
Though the stunner is cautious about the food she eats, she is also clear about the vices she has. After a long and tiring day at work, she prefers to indulge in an unhealthy snack, a plate of cheese and crackers.
Go-to Drink
The voice actress likes to have skinny spicy margarita as her go-to drink when she goes to an after party with the entire crew of SNL. She also says that it’s a bit embarrassing to ask for a skinny drink because it makes her feel like a brat. But she still asks for it every time because it’s worth it.
Taking the Time to Relax
The Illinois-born likes to take a break from her hectic schedule and enjoy life by taking a few vacations when it’s possible. She recently planned a week-long vacation to Mexico as she wanted to relax at the beach before the show began and the hectic schedule started again.
Liking the Work
The Old Navy (2016) actress admits that she doesn’t often get long breaks from work, so she relaxes before the season begins. But she doesn’t hate her work at all. In fact, she looks forward to getting back to it even when she is on a holiday.
Unique Recipe
While growing up, Cecily had her version of nachos. Her mother prepared it by putting Triscuits with shredded cheddar cheese in the microwave for approximately 20 seconds. But she has refined the health quotient of her snacking habits by developing a liking for goat cheese instead of cheddar cheese, she said while referring to her favorite Triscuit topping.
She is such a huge fan of goat cheese that she jokes she’ll give all her money in exchange for goat cheese and garlic.
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