Developed by Keri Glassman, nutrition expert, Slim Calm Sexy Diet plan is an incredible weight loss plan. Apart from melting away extra pounds from your body, the diet program will also eradicate stress from your life and will pave your way to healthier and happier life. Slim calm sexy diet is a lifestyle diet plan which will radically transform your body and mind.
Unhappy with modern eating habits, Keri considers modern eating habits the main culprit responsible for making life pathetic for you. Epidemic of obesity, cardiac diseases, hypertension, depression etc. are nothing but some of the terrible outcomes of unhealthy food items you feed to your body.
What Slim Calm Sexy Diet is?
Slim calm sexy diet is six week diet program and is comprised of fresh, organic foods, containing bountiful of nutrients. These nutrients will kick start fat burning process in your body, and will transform you from flab to fab. Kerri contends, ever increasing stress is the greatest foe of yours.
Stress makes your body dysfunctional and disrupts the functioning of hormones in your body. In addition to that, stress instigates emotional eating in you, as a result of which you begin relying on foods to combat against stress.
The diet plan has abundant nutrient dense foods. Loaded with vital nutrients, these foods will make some biochemical changes in your body and will provide you relief from stress. Once you will conquer stress, you will be half way through the battle, and soon will defeat stubborn fat as well.
Balanced foods having proportionate content of carbs, protein and fats are the basic requirement of your body. And the diet plan will provide adequate nourishment to your body by including these nutrients in your diet. The diet program is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which is vital fuel for your brain.
Work Mechanism of Slim Calm Sexy Diet
Slim crazy sexy diet plan is an effective weight loss program. The diet program will begin with three days’ detoxification process. The best part of detoxification process is you won’t need to go through tough fasting days. You just have to inculcate some clean and fresh foods in your diet and forbid processed, refined and junk foods for three days.
After three days, you can relish foods such as feta, quinoa-pistachio salad, mozzarella etc. Having great antioxidant properties, these foods will immediately start showing their impact on your body, and will get your body rid of all the toxins.
The diet program is absolutely immune to pesky ways of losing weight such as calorie counting, or restricted diet regime. On an average, you will shed sixteen pounds in six weeks, and afterwards two pounds in a week , and results obtained while going along with the diet program will be perennial.
There are absolutely 365 unique and amazing food strategies in the diet program, which will make you feel slim, calm and sexy. Food strategies told in the diet program are so alluring that you will feel tempted to adhere to them for your lifetime.
Workouts in Slim Calm Sexy Diet
Thirty minutes of cardio workouts in a day will immensely help your body in burning calories. You are also advised to practice interval training along-with cardio. For interval training, you can opt from rower, elliptical, stair climber, and treadmill. Keri calls these workouts slim workouts; as they will tone your body.
The diet program also points up yoga, and calls them calm workouts. These workouts require you to find calm and relaxed place for doing some easy yoga postures. Yoga has astonishingly wonderful impacts on your body and mind. Besides getting you flexible, sculpted and gorgeous body, yoga will also enhance the functioning of your brain cells. You need to devote just one day to yoga in a week. Schedule it, most preferably on the day next to strength training.
Third part of workouts contains calorie burning strength training, and these workouts have been named as sexy workouts. You can do them with dumbbells and with stability ball. No one can deny from the fact that strength training is effective in amplifying the number of lean muscles in your body swifter than anything else. And more the number of muscles your body will have, faster fat burning process will be in your body.
Recommended Foods Of Slim Calm Sexy Diet Plan
Slim calm sexy diet program recommends its dieters to refrain from manufactured foods because they are null in nutrients and instead of strengthening your body, they mere make it fragile. Let’s have a look at some of the recommended foods of the diet program.
Artichokes, peaches, asparagus, watermelon, pears, oysters, steak, walnut etc. are some of foods having high content of nutrients. They are high fiber, and low calorie foods, possessed with various essential nutrients. Apart from speeding up your metabolism, they will also work as antidepressant foods.
For attaining slender body, foods such as chocolate, egg, coffee, saffron, steak can be of great help. Strawberries, green tea, avocados etc. have antioxidant properties. They will flush out toxins from your body and will get you glowing skin and dense hair.
Keri has put green, leafy vegetables and salmon under category of calm foods, green tea and yogurt under category of slim foods, and cayenne pepper and chocolates under category of sexy foods.
Sample Meal Plan
The diet program accentuates six small meals, comprised of three normal meals and three snacks in a day. Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of slim calm sexy diet program.
You can have one cup of green tea, two egg whites, scrambled or hard cooked egg, almond avocado smoothie etc. in your breakfast.
Morning Snack
You can have half grapefruit with half tablespoon of spinach, two stalks celery with peanut butter etc. in your morning snack.
You can have lean meat, turkey, tomato slices, avocado, sugar snap peas etc. in your lunch.
Afternoon Snack
You can have slim saw, sliced cucumber with rice vinegar in your afternoon snack.
You can have steamed spinach, grilled fish, kale etc. in your dinner.