You must be overwhelmed by the consistent body transformation of the Hollywood actors and their goals of gaining or losing weight. Some people would say that it is easy to gain weight and can be done by eating a lot of unhealthy food. Also, it can be easy to lose weight with the different techniques that many actors are using, alongside the products for weight loss. But working on your body to achieve an athlete-level and impress everyone, isn’t as easy as it seems. This sort of body transformation is the hardest, so here is a list of ten actors that put a lot into their bodies for a specific movie role by Men’s Fitness.
Eli Roth – Inglourious Basterds
Acting in one of the best Tarantino movies is far from an easy job. Eli is familiar with the necessary things that had to be done for this movie. Even though he was fit for this movie role, Roth’s body was planned to be even better. He played The Bear Jew, who is a Boston nazi assassin in the World War II, in this 2009 movie. Quentin is always pushing the envelope with each movie and Eli had to step up his game even more.
Jason Statham – The Transporter
Statham’s most recognized role is in The Transporter (2002). The British actor wasn’t really a star until the Hollywood directors wanted him to play the dangerous characters. The bulk-up in this movie was the starting point for Jason to quit modeling and focus on his acting career. Many of his fans will never say that Statham can be replaced in this movie and he is a reason why it’s their favorite.
Robert De Niro – Raging Bull
The training hours that De Niro spent for this role was astonishing. Alongside preparing with Joe Pesci, Robert was ready to fight in real boxing matches too. In fact, he fought three real matches in Brooklyn and won two of them against real boxers. Of course, he also spent time in the gym with the retired professional boxer La Motta, boxing with him in numerous rounds. De Niro took his role in this 1980 movie seriously and won an Oscar for his amazing performance.
Jamie Foxx – Any Given Sunday
Jamie was trying to prove that he is a serious actor in every movie he did. With his start in the movie Any Given Sunday (1999), alongside Al Pacino, Foxx showed enormous acting dedication. His role was a quarterback named Willie Beamen and he had to bulk-up 200 pounds and be perfectly fit. This is the first movie in which the comedian was able to show his true acting skills and he became a critically acclaimed actor after this role.
Mickey Rourke – The Wrestler
It isn’t strange for Mickie to make a massive muscle gain with training. In his acting career, Rourke always looked ready for each role. But for the amazing performance in The Wrestler (2008), he had to work a little harder. In an interview, Mickie confirmed his seven and a half months of rigorous training and weightlifting for the role. He had to eat a lot since he had to put on 27 pounds of muscle. Let’s not forget that he was a boxer before becoming an amazing actor and that certainly paid off.
Ryan Reynolds – Blade: Trinity
Ryan wasn’t able to show an acting perfection in Blade 3 (2004), but he showed off his perfectly shaped body. It should be kept in mind that he was already in decent shape before starting to bulk-up for this movie. Also, he has great genetics and a personal trainer to force him to work out for 3 hours per day and consume 8 meals. It was an ongoing process of six months that helped him achieve this body fat percentage.
Edward Norton – American History X
Having an excellent diet strategy was on the top of Edward’s list to achieve such a body in the 1998 movie. He was working out three times every week. Norton had included weightlifting, sprint sessions and targeting multiple muscle groups to achieve his goals quickly. Performing full-body workouts is essential for having an amazing body, so Edward wasn’t joking when he was focusing on this role.
Christian Bale – Batman Begins
Here is an actor that is not afraid to make drastic changes to his body. Bale is ready to make impossible changes just to be the perfect candidate for every role that he plays. In the movie Batman Begins (2005), Christian had to bulk-up in just a few months. His schedule consisted of a high-carb diet and three hours of training to gain a lot of lbs of muscle. He added another 39 lbs during the filming days.
Will Smith – Ali
Will is among those actors who show great dedication and focus, unlike any other human being. His amazing role for the movie Ali (2001) was appreciated by all. His focus on making his body perfect for the role was commendable. Smith worked on it restlessly by lifting weights for 5 days a week and running for 6 hours per day. He was able to lift 175 pounds to 365 pounds of weight. Also, let’s not forget his amazing acting performance, which put him in the group of excellent actors.
Gerard Butler – 300
Portraying King Leonidas of Sparta in this 2006 movie seems to be an easy job for Gerard. His motivation and dedication towards his workouts and diet were excellent. Hiring a professional trainer was the first job in the process. The trainer wasn’t very nice to him and was forcing Butler to training regimens that beat his body senseless. It was the only way to achieve the body mass. Butler did weight training, circuit training, weapon training and many hours of acting preparations.