Are you trying to find some diet plan which can get you celebrity like figure instantly?
Well, Purple diet plan will accomplish your pursuit of super rapid weight loss plan. There are myriad diet plans prevalent in today’s time and all of them claim to shed pounds from your body in couple of days. But purple diet plan is an outstanding diet program, which will melt pounds from your body not in days but in hours.
It might sound superficial to you at first, but the diet program will melt five pounds from your body in twenty four hours. However, most of weight loss will be due to water loss, but if you are in haste of losing weight quickly, offer is not at all bad.
What Purple Diet Plan is?
Purple diet plan is a healthy detoxification diet program. There are myriad antioxidant foods, minerals, vitamins etc. in the diet program. These nutrients will get to work as soon as they will reach inside your body. The diet plan is simple and no complicated tools have been used in it. All you have to do is, eat only purple foods for one day.
Caffeine and alcohol are the main sinister foods which are very commonly consumed in routine. They tend to make your body acidic and toxic in nature, you need to refrain from them.
Celebrity Fan Following of Purple Diet
Famous Hollywood celebrity Mariah Carey is a big fan of purple diet plan. Often flaunting her body in audacious bikini shoots, Mariah comprehends the problem of overweight people. After giving birth to her twins, she had to lose not ten or twenty pounds, but massive ninety pounds to retrieve the same stunning body which she had prior to birth of her twins.
Though she also practiced workouts while abiding by purple diet program, but she gives ninety percent credit to diet and only ten percent to workouts. Even after getting back in shape, Mariah is still disciplined about her diet regime, and three days in a week are entirely dedicated to purple diet.
Who Can Follow Purple Diet Plan?
Purple diet plan in particular is beneficial for those dieters who are suffering from cardiac diseases and diabetes. The diet plan will liberate you from high blood pressure, high blood glucose level, and even cancer.
An unhealthy or diseased body sweeps away all the ecstasy from your life and compels you to live in solitude. Apart from blessing you with your dream body, the diet plan will also free your body from terrible ailments. The diet solution is perfect for all kinds of dieters. As there is no particular time limit mentioned in the diet program, you can utilize it whenever you wish to detoxify or cleanse your body from inside.
How to Follow the Diet Plan?
Purple diet program basically insists on consumption of eight to ten glasses of natural purple juice, and elimination of all foods and drinks from your diet for minimum two days. That being said, you have to check the availability of natural juice.
Better option is, switch to purple food items for two days. Vow to eat nothing other than purple colored foods in your diet. Raw fruits and veggies are even more effective than natural juice because you will get enormous fiber which further will rev up your metabolism and digestion.
Moreover, munching of raw foods will get you into impression that you are on regular diet. This will eliminate mental blockage which you generally get when you are on some kind of restrictive or fasting diet regime.
You will eat normally like you do on other day. The only difference would be, unhealthy and processed foods will get swapped with fresh and organic fruits and vegetables.
Impact of Purple Color
Color of vegetables adds several healing properties in them and that’s the reason several diet programs such as rainbow diet and others have come into being. Purple color is not only aesthetically beautiful, but it also has myriad beneficial impacts on your body.
Purple colored fruits and vegetables contain a phytonutrient named anthocyanins, which has amazing capacity of healing your body. It also fosters formation of new cells in your body and therefore provides you relief from dead and wrinkled skin.
Workouts in Purple Diet Plan
Continue your workout regime while going along with the diet program. You can practice any workout while following the diet program.
Benefits of Purple Diet Plan
Purple diet plan will provide you several benefits; let’s have a look at some of them.
- The diet solution doesn’t require you to cook much, so it will save plenty of your time. You can follow the diet regime on weekends while doing all the fun activities you had planned for the weekend.
- As the diet program is based on natural foods, you are nowhere at loss because plant based foods inevitably are nutrient dense. You will experience lift in your face with the use of diet program.
- The diet solution will strengthen the wall of your arteries and therefore will cut your chances of heart stroke and heart attack.
- The diet program will cleanse all the toxins from your liver and kidney and will purge you from UTI (urinary tract infection).
Drawbacks of Purple Diet
Let’s have a look at some of the drawbacks of purple diet plan.
- The diet plan is more of a fad diet program. Weight loss indeed will be prompt, but that would be transient.
- There is nothing magical in the diet program. Instead of eating purple fruits and veggies, even if you eat other low calories foods, there would be reduction in your weight.
Sample Meal Plan
Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of purple diet plan.
You can have black tea, low fat yogurt topped with purple plums etc. in your breakfast.
Morning Snack
You can have nuts, cocoa, purple grapes, acai berries, cereals etc. your morning snack.
You can have steamed purple cauliflower with peppers sprinkled over it, purple carrots etc. in your lunch.
Evening Snack
You can have boiled purple potatoes, prunes, plums etc. in your evening snacks.
You can have beetroots, blueberries, steamed eggplant with purple onions, herbs and spices etc. in your dinner.
Healthy Recommendation
Instead of entirely relying on purple juice for one day, add purple foods in your diet. You can make them part of your snacks. Let the wonder foods work on your body for longer duration. You certainly will be overwhelmed to see astonishing impacts of purple foods on your skin and body.