HomeCelebDietRosie Huntington-Whiteley Workout and Diet Plan

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Workout and Diet Plan

Rosie Alice Huntington-Whiteley also known as Rose is a British model turned actress after appearing in Transformers : Dark of the Moon. She is 5 ft 9 in and has measurements 34-35-35 inch. Check out Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Statistics here.

Rosie admits that as a girl she was so ugly that no one in the school wanted to date her. Most of the people made fun of her about her small breasts and lips. Now. look at her, she has totally changed herself. May be, the early event in school touched her and she now has 3 personal trainers.

  1. James Duigan (who also trains Elle Macpherson) in London
  2. Jason Walsh in Los Angeles
  3. Justin (her friend) in New York

So, no matter, where she is, she will be going to gym, under the expert guidance and will maintain her killer looks and hot body.

Recently, On June 1, 2012, Rosie Huntingon-Whiteley was spotted, heading towards her gym in West Hollywood, California, USA.

Rosie does lots of hard-work. Her amazing lean body is the result of her regular gym sessions, lots of cardio and proper diet.

Her busy schedule is also responsible for her fit and lean body. She drinks a lot of water too, which gives her beautiful and glowing skin. She says that

“Staying hydrated is important for me as it gives me healthy skin and also reduces hunger pangs. Water is the Drug of God.”

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley once did 18 workouts in just 6 days, as she had to appear in Transformers 3.

Rosie has never revealed about her exercises, which she perform at the gym. She has only said that she performs vigorous resistance training at the gym and that she recently started Yoga also.

It clearly shows that, she is happy with her current workout routine and it has really boosted her confidence to a next level. She does not have to diet also to get such an amazing body. This is what, James Duigan has suggested  Elle ‘The Body’ Macpherson too, about the diet.

Just remember, eat right food at right time and stay hydrated to get the body like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

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