Former Beverly Hills, 90210 star, Tori Spelling can give any gorgeous woman complex with her sylph like figure. Despite being mother of four kids, Tori possess an incredible figure. Here are some of the diet and workout secrets of Tori which helped her resume curvy shape after pregnancies.
Starvation Diet
Past the birth of her fourth child, son Finn in August 2012, the stunner had to undergo a C-section surgery. Due to fragile stitches, she could not switch to workouts to shed unsolicited pounds. The only option she was left with in such a situation was to stick to starvation diet program. However, she spread the rumors about her adhering to workouts and healthy diet such as fish, salmon etc. Though it’s surprising but the crash diet program, “Eat Air Diet” worked really well as she lost forty pounds and could wear her skinny outfits.
Since famed celebs always have the pressure to look perfectly shaped up, they sometimes have to swear by such weight loss programs also which actually are not healthy for them. Tori took crash diet as her last option to lose weight. However, such plans are not credible, even to be taken as the last option because they might cause serious and unrecoverable loss to your body. Instead of adhering to them, if you cut back the consumption of sugar, salt, alcohol, high carb, gluten, dairy etc., you are likely to witness great influences on your body and mind.
Swimming – Best Post Pregnancy Cardio Workout
To get rid of the baby weight, Tori shares, she executed swimming after being recommended by her doctor. Swimming being providing excellent support to your body makes workouts stress-free and convenient for you. Moreover, since water bears a lot of your weight, it cuts your possibilities of being hurt. Tori stripped off numerous pounds by swimming incessantly for hours. Gradually, she also inculcated elliptical in her workout routine and ran on it for twenty to thirty minutes. However, all the workout descriptions given by her turned out to be her cooked up story, which Tori utilized to share with the media. That being said, her self-manipulated story might be untrue, but there is no skepticism regarding the amazing influences of swimming. Swimming actually is a superb exercise specifically for women who are endeavoring to melt away post baby pounds.
No Calorie Counting
If we overlook her diet regime which she embraced to drop post baby weight after her fourth pregnancy, Tori has always given importance to healthy diet. After her first two pregnancies also, she astonished us with quick weight loss, which she acquired without abiding by any gimmick diet plan. She rather ate healthy, clean, and nutrient dense foods. Here is one typical diet regime of Tori.
Breakfast – Brown rice cake with peanut butter, yogurt with nuts, fruits
Lunch – Vegan soup with sweet potato, vegetable puree
Dinner – Steak, fish with dark colored veggies, rice free sushi
Physically Active Schedule
Most women today are overweight because they have allowed themselves to grow victim of sedentary lifestyle. The best-seller author, Tori being naturally slender was never into workouts. However, she at the same time didn’t let her body suffer from sluggish lifestyle. Instead of hitting gym on regular basis, the stunner loves playing games with her kids. She goes out for biking, or walking with them. She also performs light workouts such as three sets of sit-ups and crunches in a day. Tori stripped off massive fifty pounds past the birth of her daughter, Stella while abiding by the same physical activities.
Healthy Weight Loss Tips
Here are some healthy weight loss tips you can abide by to acquire toned body.
Use Pedometer
Exercises for one or two hours in a day, not being the key to weight loss cannot render you desired benefits. You shall be active for the entire day. Make sure that aside from workouts, you make a lot of physical activities. You can purchase one pedometer and keep it with you all the while. It will count your steps and thus will mark your success. Make a goal to complete minimum 10,000 steps through pedometer in a day. The cardio activity will shed numerous pounds from your body and will bestow you optimum health.
Keep Your Weight Loss Goal to Yourself
Most of us make our weight loss program public deeming that it would instigate our peers and relatives to help us in dropping weight. However, when you fail to acquire the objective, you become laughing stock for them; resultantly you lose your self-confidence. So, rather than telling everyone, keep your plan to yourself and astonish your pals with your transformation.
Celebrate Your Success
As soon as you acquire your weight loss objective, celebrate your success with the shopping of glam outfits. Stock your wardrobe with skinny attires. Not only will these new clothes make you an eye-catching beauty; they will also inspire you to retain the lost weight forever.