5 ft 10 in, super-sexy, model turned actress Molly Sims has got the apt body to grace the cover page of magazines. After welcoming her first child, son Brooks in June 2012, the brunette bulked up fifty pounds and found it really hard to shed the weight due to thyroid. Here are some of the secrets of Sims’s workout and diet routine which maintained her svelte figure and helped her resume her pre-baby weight.
Thirty Days Workouts
Her bikini-embracing figure might have you gauge that she must be genetically blessed with great genes. However, truth is that like all of us, Sims too had on and off relationship with curvy figure. Pissed with frequent fluctuation in her weight, the sexy model decided to be on regular exercise and balanced diet. Having made her mind, she embarked on thirty days consistent workouts. Without missing even one single day, she worked out for sixty minutes in a day. While showing great respect for all kinds of exercises, she executed running on elliptical or treadmill, boxing, spinning, yoga, and what not to strip off unwanted weight. Now, the glam actress hits gym five times in a week and works out for sixty to ninety minutes in a day. Most imperative thing about her exercises is – even on slothful days, she didn’t stop walking four miles in a day.
Balanced and Nutritious Diet
Former Sports Illustrated model coupled her exercises with wary diet. She cut back the consumption of high calorie and fatty foods and other bad sugary foods, salty foods etc. and incorporated nutrient-laden foods such as lean proteins, high fiber veggies etc. in her diet and before late, she acquired the figure she always wished to have. She being very particular about her gluten intake renounces the consumption of gluten containing foods. And to de-stress her body, she banks on hot lemon water first thing in the morning.
Post Baby Weight Loss
Sims shares, had she been lucky enough not to suffer from thyroid, her weight loss problem would not have been so severe and hard. Her thyroid medication delayed and hindered her weight loss plan big time. While it shall not have taken her more than six to seven months to retrieve statuesque figure, it took her nineteen months to get fit into tiny bikinis, only because of thyroid. Sims reckons, shedding baby weight is the toughest thing she ever did. Since being a new mother makes you so crippled, neither can you do workouts, nor can you embrace low calorie diet. The fab star refers those new mothers’ liars, who claim to shed their entire baby weight with breastfeeding. After the passage of couple of months, the glam celeb restrained her consumption of foods and allowed her pick foods only on the basis of their nutrient density.
Tracy Anderson Workouts
During pregnancy, Sims had religiously been following Tracy Anderson workout method which certainly aided her shed pounds and beat nausea and mood swings. Even after pregnancy, she executed exercises with popular celeb trainer, Tracy Anderson to drop weight. Her workouts used to start at 8 am in the morning which obviously saved enormous time of hers for rest of the day.
Easy Exercises for Fans
If you aspire to acquire slender and bikini-hugging figure in restrained period of time, here are two workouts which shall kick-start fat burning process in your body.
Burpees is an advanced level of aerobic workout which will strengthen your muscles and scorch countless pounds from your body. Large and major muscles such as chest muscle or pectoralis major, abdominal muscles, tricep muscles, quadriceps muscles, hamstring muscles, gluteus muscles etc. gets utilized in the workout. The workout speeds up your heart rate and thus can torch even 500 calories in ten minutes.
Jackknife Crunches
The workout being super-effective will work on your abdominal muscles. Besides building your abs, the workout shall hone your stomach and thus render you flat stomach. Main muscle targeted in the workout is rectus abdominal muscles, which are also popular with the name ab muscles. Located in the center of stomach, they are accountable to render you six pack abs. Twenty minutes of jackknife crunches scorch 200 calories. However, make sure that you perform stretching both before and after the workout.