Victoria’s Secret’s Fashion Show has become a yearly ritual. Most people think that it’s all about looking great, getting paid big bucks and walking on stage in lingerie. Well, it’s not true. The show is also about hard workouts, diet restrictions and keeping away from food indulgences. Here we have found out how 20 of the hot models have prepared for the show, what they ate and what they didn’t. We also learned about the food restrictions some of them followed weeks or hours before the show. Hope you will enjoy and adopt the healthy diet habits that you find suitable.
The model who wore the Fantasy Bra worth $2 million in this year’s fashion show starts her day with green tea and some fresh juice (pressed juice being her favorite). The hot model especially likes green juice with apple and some coconut water with a rose for hydrating. She only restricts herself from drinking wine and eating salty foods and that too just a few days before the show. She also relies heavily on the meals delivered from Sakara Life. (Learn about Sakara Life by clicking here).
This American fashion model starts her day with coconut Goji Granola with Spirulina Mylk. Like Lily, she also likes the meals delivered from Sakara Life. Her diet comprises of only organic foods like fresh juices and vegetables. For Martha, indulging a little in a Christmas meal or cookie is good and she compensates it with exercises like long walks and jump rope.
According to MTV, one of the new faces of Victoria’s Secret, Pauline likes to eat fresh fruits throughout the day to maintain her enviable body. After witnessing her performance in the show (on the internet), we must add that fresh food never disappoints.
This young Belgian born beauty loves to have some sushi as a regular meal in her diet. But we bet, she didn’t depend on it before the show. Right, Yumi?
The Australian bombshell, who is a vegan relies on including a superfood called Acai bowl (what is an Acai Bowl? Click here to know) into her diet. She also stayed away from sugars, refined carbs, alcohol and nuts three months before the show. She increased her intake of protein shakes and ate vegetables with oil.
The polish model likes to snack on healthy foods like grapefruit and green tea. It’s even her best post-yoga snack. She even likes indulging in pizza and pasta but she also admits that she works out like an athlete to balance the scales and look great for the show.
This vegan model likes to stick to vegan meals before Victoria’s Secret Show (obviously!!!) and she also increases her intake of proteins, vegetables, and water. She also likes the superfood Acai. The food indulgences of the diva are ice creams and chocolates. The star also stays away from alcohol just a few weeks before the show. She also follows a blood type diet.
Vita likes to start her days with avocado and egg whites. She also has a weakness for cheesecakes. To prepare for Victoria’s Secret show, she mostly stuck to healthy food options like nutrient-rich Zucchini Pasta, that’s tasty and super healthy at the same time. (Find the recipe of a low-calorie version of Zucchini Pasta here). She also eats three healthy meals in a day and sticks to healthy snacks to get the required amount of carbs.
The British angel relies on the classic method of drinking water and eating clean at all times. She rightly believes that drinking water is the key to life. She also likes to sleep a lot and get ample amount of Vitamin D from the skin. She has also been seen with a Green Smoothie when she is on the move.
The Swedish model likes to eat what she wants and never deprives herself of any food. She likes healthy foods most of the times but she never backs out from having a Coke or pizza every once in a while. Vogue reported that she likes to have Acai bowl after workouts with banana, spinach, kale, blueberries, hemp milk, toasted coconut and bee pollen.
The South African model likes to eat fresh, organic foods only. She relies on having loads of fruits and vegetables that are fresh and make her feel good from the inside. She also likes to eat meat regularly as she can’t do without it. She compensates for it by working out more.
The Namibian model has always preferred to eat healthy foods in life. She is now more focused on eating more protein and vegetables. Her favorite snack is almonds which she carries with herself all the times. She also likes having iced green tea from Starbucks. When she can’t find Starbucks, she just switches to a regular Japanese tea in a green bottle.
This American stunner likes to drink a lot of water just before the show starts. She also starts staying away from all the foods that have carbs and all types of desserts to prepare for the show. Like many other associates, she also relies on fresh vegetables and proteins to look amazing in the show and keep healthy.
This Portuguese beauty never restricts her diet. She likes to eat everything and work hard for a healthy body. But, she does admit to cutting back on sweets like skittles at least 72 hours before the show is about to start.
This California native likes to eat more protein based foods to build her muscles. She likes to have a protein shake on a daily basis after the workout. Her meals also include loads of grilled chicken, fish and vegetables that have a lot of protein. (Hmm….having a protein buff among the Angels’ is interesting, don’t you think?)
This Dutch fashion model likes to restrict her consumption of processed foods before every show. She also feels good from the inside when she eats healthy foods so she sticks to them as much as possible. Romee is also a fan of Acai bowl.
This young Brazilian model admitted to eating a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, some fruit and nuts along with a green smoothie just before the Victoria’s Secret 2015 show which demonstrates the fact that she is not a newbie to healthy eating habits. Keep it up Gal!!!
The seasoned Brazilian model follows a balanced diet at almost all the times. She does like to have some vegan ice cream in summer, which we think is a minor breakdown that should be allowed to everyone.
This Puerto Rican fashion model has a weakness for fish and chips. She stays away from caffeine as it’s not good for her heart. She also thinks that one should not eat bad foods just before the show and ruin the effort they have put in for shaping up.
This bleached blonde has a fast metabolism so she doesn’t have to be extra careful about what she eats. She eats everything she wants but in little amounts. Moderation is the key for this beauty. She also likes to indulge in cupcakes and chocolates every now and then. (Who doesn’t?)
Looking for more? Check out the Victoria’s Secret Angels’ Workout Routine 2015 by clicking on this link and know how the hotties have kept in shape and who helped them the most.